Junior School
Prep AA 1/2PB 1/2NP
Junior School
Prep AA 1/2PB 1/2NP
What a brilliant last few weeks we have had, I have seen our Preps step into a new level of autonomy, being responsible of starting our day ready to learn! They have been so proud of themselves, coming into our learning environment and hitting the ground running in the mornings.
These last few weeks we have continued to consolidate our learning, we have been having a focus on forming lowercase letters especially during writing lessons to ensure we are always starting our letters at the top and practicing using capital letters only at the beginning of our sentences.
We have been focusing on team work during reading sessions, having small group work with myself to work on specific skills.
We have been working on completing our last story of the year that we will send home with them, they have been working on beginning, middle and end. I have loved watching the development from their stories in term two compared to now, their growth amazes me and more importantly they can see their own achievements and understand that all of their hard work has paid off!
In numeracy we have created beautiful fractions posters, looking at whole, halves and quarters. We have been revising as always our number sense, friends of ten, strengthening mental math's and this week we will begin to learn how to skip count!
In humanities this term we have been looking at Geography, diving into our country, state and suburb, for the remaining weeks we will be creating our own towns as an end of term project!
Here are some pictures of our latest buddy sessions, it has been so lovely to watch our preps foster beautiful relationships with our older children!
I am so proud of the Prep students for showing how amazing they are when it comes to representing the school in the community and making sure they are looking after their own belongings! It has been an awesome first week and we are excited to see how much we grow in the next week to come!
Mon 18th, Tues 19th, Wed 20th Thurs 21st November
Preps will be swimming from 11:45- 1:30pm this week, back to our routine and having lunch time as normal again!
School disco:
Friday the 22nd of November.
Kaboom Kids:
Wednesday the 4th of December.
This is all from me, I am so proud and sad that we only have four weeks of learning left together but I am ready to have some fun heading into the holiday season!
-Miss A
Another few weeks have absolutely flown by and we have been very busy in the 1/2 rooms!
We have been conducting a lot of our assessments in response to it being the end of the year. This is very time consuming but the students have been doing a fantastic job. In reading, we have been continuing to make text-to-text, text-to-world and text-to-self connections. This is allowing students to really connect with the texts that they are reading. In writing, we are continuing to strengthen our narrative and persuasive writing. We also continue to practise reading comprehension by answering questions with information that is found in texts. In maths, we have been doing lots of revision. We continued to practise how to read analog and digital clocks, also practicing how to write the time on the different clock formats. Students continue to practise their multiplication skills; they are doing a great job with this.
We have also been busy with our swimming lessons. Students have been incredible throughout the whole process of swimming. Understandably, they are very tired by the end of the day but they should be very proud of themselves.
Take care from the junior team,
Nicole, Phoebe, Jeanette, Shannon, Jacqui and Carol