The Library Shelf

Joel McKerrow Visit
We were delighted to host visiting author Joel McKerrow last week. While many students would be familiar with Joel, with his involvement over the years in the Year 8 poetry workshops, this is his first visit as an author of fiction. He recently published his first novel “The dreaded Mr Snipe” in his new graphic novel series “Urban legend hunters”. He spent the day hosting workshops for students in Years 4 to 7, sharing with them excerpts from his book, tips for finding inspiration for writing and how to transform a memory into a fantastic story. It was wonderful to listen to some of the one-minute stories written by the students in the sessions. We will all look forward to his new books when they are released next year.
Fiona Haynes
Library Manager
Here are some responses to the visit from students
My eyes filled with wonder as Joel McKerrow told his amazing stories, he acted so well that my mind started to buzz, thinking of what the stories would look like if it was in reality. My imagination thought of my own stories inspired by his poetry and even when we left I was still inspired to write my own poetry. He explained that if you take reality, like going to the shops, you can turn it into something interesting by using metaphors and similes. I am excited to write my own story maybe one day.
Isaiah G
I was walking up to the theatrette and was completely oblivious to what I was about to have change in my life. My name is Emily, and I KNOW I am going to be a writer. All the SP classes (and all the Year 4s) were all walking up to see author and poet Joel McKerrow. We all sat down and lots of us were just ready for this to be over-and-done with, when he (Joel), started talking. Something about the way he moved with animation, talked like each sentence was his last and how he inspired almost all of us. I (and most likely others) sat and listened intently all the way through, even the people that often talk during class. He said things like, “instead of 'they were scared', write 'the people shook like jellybeans in a jar'”. I went in that room super sure that I would be a writer, and left even more certain.
Emily P