Getting Dramatic

Year 9/10 Drama – ‘We Stole a Boat’
In 1965 six Tongan boys stole a fishing boat and were subsequently shipwrecked on an uninhabited island. They survived there for fifteen months until they were rescued by an Australian fisherman and his crew. This remarkable story formed the basis of an original Drama performance by Year 9/10 students this term.
The class went through a process of researching, improvising, discussing and rehearsing to devise a show for an audience of Year 8, 9 and 10 students. The students captured the key moments of the story using theatre conventions such as transformation of character, place and time, and through the alternating (and sometimes conflicting) narration of two characters: a parent and one of the boys.
The class did a fantastic job of creating an original performance in about six lessons – the show had comedy, drama and action, fact and fiction. The students are to be commended on their enthusiasm and creativity.
Congratulations to all the performers!
Marlene Magee
Secondary Teacher