Student Learning

Foundation students received their winning artwork back from the Cobram Show. Congratulations to everyone who entered!
Foundation students practiced subtraction by putting the biggest number first and making number sentences.
Students have been learning about adjectives to make their writing more interesting. They drew monsters and wrote amazing descriptive stories.
Year 1/2
Reading: Using one of our Author Study books, Lottie and Walter, the students compared the two main characters, exploring how they are similar and different. Additionally, they identified the cause and effect relationship within the story.
Writing: The students wrote about what they did over the long weekend. They shared stories of family, activities, trips and just relaxing at home.
Science: The class explored how materials can be changed by manipulating their properties. They created a marble run using playdough and a plate, then recorded the steps they took to shape and adjust the track.
Art: To celebrate Halloween, the students created adorable jack-o-lanterns using strips of paper. Each one was unique and showed off their creativity.
Year 3/4
Each week all students participate in 2 Skillzone sessions. This week students have been working on their kicking skills at Skillzone. We have some very talented kids here!!
Year 5/6
On Wednesday, October 30th, our student leaders attended the 75th anniversary celebration of Cobram Hospital. The day began with a presentation on the hospital’s rich history. Following the presentation, students toured the new building works, where they had opportunity to meet and interact with dedicated staff.
Proudly representing our school, our students engaged with the event and celebrated this important milestone in Cobram’s healthcare history.
Physical Education
The 5/6 PE classes participated in the SEPEP Grand Final last week with some surprising results and fun had by all. The winning team in each class celebrated with a hot chip lunch.
Each class voted also for who they thought were the best and fairest players throughout the tournament.
5/6H Dusty and Tyler in a tie
5/6T Dustin
5/6B Vishnu
5/6R Sunny