News & Information

LCS 5k Fun Run
We hope you enjoyed our second LCS 5k Fun Run on November 8!
It was wonderful to see so many families participating in the run or walk, getting messy with the colour obstacle course, and sharing in the BBQ, hot chips and Bloom coffee van. We were particularly grateful that the weather was fine. Thank you Lord!
Did you know that the Fun Run t-shirts are designed by our own talented students? This year's racing Tassie Tiger design was by Year 5 student Oscar Loef, and last year's was by Year 7 student Roman van Ryn.
Thanks for your brilliant designs, boys!
Year 6 Lighthouse Project
Our Year 6 students recently completed their Lighthouse Project, which centres around the question: 'What guides us?'
John 8:12 says:
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
After learning about the history of lighthouses, planning, constructing, painting, wiring the circuits, and adding special finishing touches - their models are complete, and they look fabulous!
Five of our Year 11 students have been accepted to attend the 2025 National Youth Science Forum STEM Camp over the Summer break.
A massive congratulations to Jack Burton, Benjamin Filleul, Dylan Gelston, Elizabeth Sexton and Esther Sharpe.
Last month, Mr Spaulding and the students travelled to Hobart to attend a morning tea hosted by Her Excellency the Honourable Barbara Baker AC, Governor of Tasmania, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers AO, to congratulate them on their achievement.
The National Youth Science Forum, held in Brisbane and Canberra, gives students that are about to start Year 12 a broader understanding of study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Praying you have an invaluable experience that enriches your understanding and passion for STEM.
Senior Art Exhibition
The Senior Art Studio was bright with the colour and texture of artwork by Year 10-12 students this week. The exhibition is the culmination of their best work for the year. Many of the pieces were examination portfolios, and were also judged for ArtRage selection.
Art Studio Practice students presented a full story of the artistic journey, including a mindmap of the creative process, artist statement and the artwork itself which needed to focus on the viewer experience, with interactive elements including hands-on components and sound.
Art teacher Jacqueline Goelst said she was proud of the way that students had "risen to the occasion". This is her last term with LCS, having worked two years as art teacher, and more than 10 years at the school in various other roles.
"We are made in the image of our creator God. What better way to reflect Him than to be creative. That's why I love this so much," Mrs Goelst said.
It's an approach to creativity of all distinctions that we cannot help but love! Thank you for your passionate championing of the arts, Mrs Goelst, and we pray God's loving hand on the next season of your career and life.
Secondary Play Space
You may have noticed that works are underway on our new Secondary Playground, designed by Playstreet and constructed by Matt Burgess Landscaping.
Due to be completed in late December, we are excited about the enhancement this development will bring to student learning and wellbeing.
"This beautifully landscaped playground will not only be great fun, but support students' physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development," Facilities Manager Isaac Peters said.
"We're also eagerly anticipating the way this development will transform outdoor areas into dynamic classrooms for hands-on learning, engaging students' senses."
Watch this play space!
Swimming & Water Safety
For the past two weeks, our Primary School students have participated in the swimming and water safety program. Water safety and awareness is considered an important life skill, especially as we head into summer months in our water-loving Aussie culture.
Thank you to our superstar swimming instructors, including Mr Lichtendonk, Mr Hadley, Mrs van Donselaar and Mrs Hemelaar, as well as those Year 6 students who assisted in the pool.
Employment Opportunities
Our school is growing! We have a number of teaching positions currently open for next year:
-> Specialist Teacher (Health/STEM)
Part Time and Full Time Positions in all subject areas, including:
-> Drama Teacher
-> Education Support Teacher
-> Short-Term LSL Cover Contract Positions
-> Relief Teaching Staff
-> Office Manager
-> Administration Assistant
-> ICT Support Officer
-> Marketing & Communications Manager
Visit our website for more information and to submit your application.
Important Reminder: Parking @ Windsor Oval in Term 4
We are incredibly grateful to the council for generously providing us with parking at Windsor Oval, ensuring our community has convenient access to LCS. However, Windsor Park Precinct is resurfacing the football oval, which will impact drop-off and pick-up throughout Term 4.
Temporary Parking Update:
- Parents can now drop off and pick up on the cricket club room side of the oval (previously no-parking).
- The usual parking area is closed.
The left-hand (west) side of the oval is inaccessible, please use the right-hand (east) side of the oval for pick up / drop off.
We ask all families to follow this plan during the renovations.
If it is convenient for you, please consider parking on the highway or at Riverbank.
Important note: During Term 4 there will be times when the oval is completely inaccessible, and we will communicate these dates in advance with alternate parking instructions. Please take careful note of any correspondence from us regarding parking this term.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Uniform Shop
Please note changed opening hours for Term 4:
Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Afternoons by appointment only
Please note: The Uniform Shop will close from Friday 29th of November due to stocktake and moving.
School holidays by appointment only
If you have any enquiries regarding uniforms or need to make an appointment, please get in touch with our Uniform Coordinator: Anne Rixon, at 0400573902
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.