City of Monash Short Story Competition

Congratulations to our highly talented authors!

Three students from COHR were Highly Commended in the Monash Council Short Story Competition. We are very proud of you all and so happy to share your wonderful words.

Highly Commended: Ninja grandad saves his chickens by Jasper Brown

Category A: Primary School (7 to 8 years) Highly Commended (2024), 

Golden Tales Short Story CompetitionAuthor: Jasper Brown


In the middle of night on a full moon ninja grandad's chicken allies are snatched up by a peculiar shadow. The shadow makes no noise at all. The ninja grandad is in bed having a deep sleep (hey ninjas need their sleep) the chickens mouths and legs are covered with a strange paw so they cant call for help or attack the strange creature.

The next morning.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH where did chuckles drumstick nugget chicken salt eggster onion corn hotdog toast rainbow go ninja grandad checks the chicken pen high and low but doesn't find anything just as he was about to give up and burst into tears he hears a tiny voice coming from below ninja granddad peers down curiously he sees a tiny field mouse hey keep it down i am trying to sleep here but it's 7:am i am already dressed and ate my breakfast and brush my teeth and that takes me hours yeah well i'm not you!!!!! Im banana the field mouse hey banana yes how long have been here about 2 years ok well were you waken up last night why because i lost àll of my chickens yeah well it aint my problem it might not be your problem but i need your help.

To be continued?


Highly Commended: Me and Grandma by Clara O’Bryan

Category A: Primary School (7 to 8 years) Highly Commended (2024), 

Golden Tales Short Story CompetitionAuthor: Clara O’Bryan


If you love your grandparents, good on you! But if you don't think grandparents are important, listen to this. On sundays I sometimes go to my grandmas house. On christmas I usually go to grandmas to set up her christmas tree but when it's not christmas I play two square and drawing contests with her .We also do mainly tv watching any ways me and my grandma always have fun we cook have sleepovers watch very funny shows together but the best part is that I can do whatever I like there and play two square with her. Sadly one day my grandpa died and I didnt play two square in so long because it wasn't the same until I felt better and wanted to play more so I did with my grandma and I would always remember him being referee. One day I went to lunch at my grandmas house and had her homemade sausage rolls with watermelon and you can never have a sausage roll without sauce on top so we had a lovely lunch but when you go to my grandmas you get a ice cream sundae!!! for dessert it's so yummy I could eat it all day long. I am so happy I have such a lovely grandma and should never have another the end!.

Highly Commended: Liesel Tambayah

Category A: Secondary School (12 to 14 years) Highly Commended (2024), 

Golden Tales Short Story CompetitionAuthor: Liesel Tambayah


I love my Granny because of her delicious home-made meals

Because of her unique sense of fashion

Bright colours; golds, oranges, teals.

I love my Granny because of her all-year-round Christmas lights

Because of her international collection of dolls

Stacked in glass cases at amazing heights.

I love my Granny because of her secret drawer stuffed with treats

Because of our late-night movies

And our fun walks down the streets.

I love my Granny because of her generous heart

Her willingness to help

Her talent for crafts and art.

I love my Granny because she can turn my frown upside down

Her ability to cheer me up

Even when I’m having a meltdown.

I love my Granny because she always looks out for me

I can always count on her

Many people will agree.

I love my Granny because of her joyful grin

The way she spreads happiness

Whether a loss, or a win.

I love my Granny because of her bush of white roses

Because of her quirky gnome garden

Each with their own unique poses.

Most of all

Most importantly

I love my Granny because

On every day

In every way

She shows how much she loves me.