Principals' Message

Dear Parents,


Reminder School Closure Day : 

Monday 2nd December


Wow! What a fortnight we have had at COHR since the last newsletter! The Fete was an amazing success, a great celebration of the COHR Community. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to volunteer at a stall, run a stall, attend a Fete Meeting or simply come along to support and enjoy some food and fun! Thank you. Again, the biggest thank you is to Sarah Arnott for her time and efforts. She has done an amazing job over the years of leading the Fete and we will be ever grateful for the legacy she leaves us with.


When showing people around for School Tours, I ask how they heard about COHR and what do they already know about the school? The overwhelming answer to what they know is that the school has a great community. This seems to have been ever true for COHR, from its earliest beginnings in in the 1950s. So once you belong to the COHR Community, it is all our responsibility to keep it going. Contributing to the Fete is one way we all did this.

School Advisory Council

Another way people contribute to our community is through the School Advisory Council. The SAC meets twice a term. The role is set by MACS, and it is to provide a point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. It does not have governance responsibility or decision-making authority, rather, it supports the principal and school leadership and provides an important connection to the parish whilst providing a forum for discussion and discernment. A place where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest. In all discussions, the students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.


We are very grateful this year for the work and support of the COHR SAC. They have truely provided a voice of the community with many discussions being robust and taking in multiple points of view. Thanks especially to Irna Kostic who has served as chair, Ollie Kelly, the secretary, Jess Brown as the PA representative and Mel Nigro as a member. Thank you for your support of how community.

2025 Classes & Staff

Planning for 2025 is well under way and class teachers for next year have now been placed. Our School Closure Day on Monday will focus on reviewing our 2024 curriculum and planning for 2025. Our future planning is focused not just on the Victorian Curriculum which we follow, but also our knowledge of each cohort of students and indeed even individual student needs. We reflect, give feedback and plan on a path of continual improvement. Days like Monday really do acknowledge that the students at COHR are not just in the class teacher's care, but they are all OUR children.


The class teachers for 2025 are as listed below. We warmly welcome Luke and Shari to the COHR community.


It is with joy and sadness that we are saying goodbye to Maya Howard. Maya has decided to go on a great adventure and teach overseas next year. We know that the families who have had students in her care will join us in saying how grateful we are for all she has given to us and she will be sorely missed. We've made sure Maya knows she will always be welcome back!


Our 2025 class teachers are:

Prep - Niki Andrinopolous

1/2B - Luke Blain

1/2G - Shari Virgona

3/4G - Kim Goddard

3/4I - Clare Inwood

5/6C - Ilona Cetrola

5/6G - Karen Gosling

End of Year Reports

This year we are emailing out the students' end of year reports on Friday 13th December. This decision has been made as we are receiving many requests for digital copies from parents. Please make sure your email address in Operoo is the correct one, as that is the one we will use.

So we are not sending out paper copies, but if you require a paper copy of your child's report we are happy to print one out, just contact the Office on Monday 16th or Tuesday 17th December.

Freddy Goldring has arrived....

Congratulations to Rachael and Mikey Goldring on the early but safe arrival of Freddy last Wednesday. 




Brian Martin (Lead Principal) & 

Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal)