Year 5 Spotlight

Melbourne City Incursion
On November 14th, Grade 5s were lucky enough to have received a visit by coaches from Melbourne City FC. The goal of the incursion was to ensure our students continued to develop their understanding of respect within any sport, as well as general respect and kindness for each other. The coaches spoke about how professional athletes show kindness and respect for their teammates, opponents, and themselves, and how important it is to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Our Grade 5s got a lot out of the incursion and we have seen an improvement in general yard play for our students, particularly soccer games.
Some student reflections:
What were your favourite parts about today’s incursion?
I loved how kind everybody was and the respect in the air was outstanding!
I also really enjoyed playing soccer with the people that don't play soccer a lot and I think that I learnt a lot from the people that do!
I also loved when they handed out the jerseys and was really happy for my best friend Gabby to get one.
Georgia T – 5A
Why do you think today’s incursion was organised for our grade and how do you think it will help us?
Because they helped us find ways to show respect and showed us how much better it was to play soccer without any fights and just getting along.
Leni S – 5A
Why do you think today’s incursion was organised for our grade and how do you think it will help us?
I think it can help us all be better people and just examples of how the soccer player (including me) think they’re playing like the world cup but then they realise “oh this isn’t what happens” and we can learn how to show respect to each other.
Rafi K – 5B
Victorian Parliament Excursion
On Monday 2nd December (5A) and Tuesday 3rd December (5B), Grade 5s travelled into the city for an excursion to Victorian Parliament and the Old Treasury Building. This excursion linked perfectly with our current How We Organise Ourselves Government unit of inquiry. In class, we have looked at Australia’s systems of government and compared it to the Westminster system in the UK of what it is based on. The excursion began with a session in the legislative assembly (lower house) of the Victorian Parliament where they learned more about the various roles within the chamber, and debated a mock bill for a ban on e-scooter use by children, and a ban on gambling advertising. 5A were lucky enough to receive a surprise visit from Caulfield MP David Southwick. Students then were able to enjoy lunch outside in the parliament gardens, before going to the second part of our excursion in the Old Treasury Building. Students toured the building, which included a trip to where the royal assent is signed by the Victorian Governor Margaret Gardner and down to the old gold vaults. This continued to build our knowledge for our current unit of inquiry, but also provided students with an opportunity to share their knowledge of the Gold Rush period of Australian history. The Grade 5 students got a lot out of the excursion, and it will continue to be an excursion for our Grade 5 cohort moving forward.
Some student reflections:
What was the best part/s of yesterday’s excursion (do not include anything to do with playing or sitting in the park)?
My favourite part of the excursion was going to Melbourne Parliament House!! I love doing a role play and seeing David Southwick. I am so grateful for this opportunity as it will be a highlight of Year 5. I couldn't believe I was sitting in the chair of MPs and Ministers! The treasury building was so cool we had a blast learning about the gold rush and asking questions based on our previous knowledge.
Amelia H – 5A
What was something new you learned from the excursion?
Some Things I learnt were:
The kings not allowed to set foot on the green carpet
The second mace was stolen
One of the largest pieces of gold found weighs above 2 times me
Janice J – 5A
Zoe Daniel Visit
Grade 5s continued their busy week of building their knowledge about Government with our annual visit from our local Goldstein Federal MP Zoe Daniel. Zoe spoke about her experience as a foreign correspondent reporting in a range of countries, including the 2016 Trump-Clinton election campaign. She then shared the reasons she made the decision to run for the Goldstein seat, and how her personal values align to not running for a major party. Zoe answered all questions from our Grade 5 students, which was a fantastic opportunity to hear from our MP and her experiences in Canberra. Zoe will return to our school early in the new year to speak with our newly elected school captains and provide an opportunity to guide their leadership.
Some student reflections
What was your favourite part of today’s visit from Zoe Daniel?
My favourite part was how she was really inclusive to ensuring everyone was able to ask a question to build their knowledge, and she answered everything honestly, even if they were a bit silly. Cara K – 5B
I like how warm and connected Zoe Daniel was with us as the audience. She is such a great public speaker. It helped us ask good questions and remember our knowledge. Leo M – 5A
My favourite part was when I heard the Higgins electorate was being removed, because Mr Higgins won’t be very happy! I really enjoyed hearing about the famous people she had met when doing her reporting job. Joss S – 5A.
Jesse O'Grady and Craig Higgins
Year 5 Teachers