REC News

Shannon Cain


Thank you to the McAuley family and friends for joining us for the Stations of the Cross Walk last Wednesday and the Easter Hat Parade today. It was wonderful to have so many families join us to remember the events of Holy Week and to celebrate the risen Christ today. A special thank you to the Year 2 parents who assisted in coordinating the Easter raffle- there were a lot of happy winners!





So what is that big candle in the church?

It's called the paschal candle and a new candle is blessed at the Easter Vigil Mass. During the fifty days of the Easter season- until Pentecost Sunday- you will see the light from this big candle on the sanctuary. It will also be used to light the baptismal candle when there is a new baptism. 

It has a cross on it and grains of insence are inserted into it with special red wax "nails" at the end of the crossbars and in the middle of the cross. These red marks remind us of Christ's blood that has been shed. 

The candle also reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world and will remove darkness from your mind and heart. 

You will also see the year's date- 2024 and the letters from the Greek alphabet-alpha and omega. These mean the God is the beginning and the end.



Week 10 Thursday at 9:30am

Kindergarten and Year 6


All family and friends welcome to join us!