Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Happy Easter!  I hope you were able to enjoy our 'mini holiday' over Easter this year, and that the Risen Christ brought much joy to your family. I hope the Easter Bunny also found your family!



Focus of the Week:  Caring for our  Environment - Over the past two weeks we have 

been looking at our school environment and how we can keep it clean by reducing our waste and recycling what we do bring to school.  The students have looked at how they can cut down on the amount of packaging they bring to school, and how best to dispose of the waste we do have. With our new large playground bins, we have no excuse to put rubbish into the wrong bin, or to leave it on the seats or the ground where we eat and play. Reducing our waste and bringing 'nude food' to school cuts landfill significantly.  As does correctly disposing of items that can be recycled or that we can returned to earn money.  Please consider our environment when choosing what items to end for lunches or snacks with your children, and encourage them to choose correctly when disposing of any waste they have.  





Kindergarten 2025:  We are once again excited to begin the process of welcoming new children and families to McAuley! Applications for Kindergarten 2025 are now available and can be downloaded from our website now. Deciding where to send your children to school is a very difficult decision, and we encourage families to gather as much information as possible about their child’s perspective school when making this decision.  If you know of someone who is considering sending their children to McAuley, especially in Kinder 2025, please encourage them to fill out an enrolment form. They are also very welcome to come for a tour of the school and see the facilities and the students in their learning spaces. For more information, please ring the school on 6361 3344 or visit the website.


Harmony Day – Everyone Belongs:  Thank you so much for joining in with the 'spirit' of Harmony Day last week!  The school resembled a sea of orange - in all its hues!  It was so much fun to hear all the students who chose to say 'hello' in another language do so when we gathered on the Green Area to eat our veggies as part of the record for the most number of children eating veggies at the same time! I think most children in the school

had something to offer in another language, and we loved all of it!  I was delighted to put all the hearts around the school in time for families to see as they visited the different Stations of the Cross on Wednesday.  I was a little overwhelmed with the number of flags from the different countries we have gathered, so I am still in the process of organising their display in Kenna Hall, but it will be done!  Thank you so much for all your support during this lovely week of recognition.  We certainly are a melting pot of many, many countries!


New Aboriginal Education Officer:  We are delighted to welcome Ms Maddy Griffith-Leonard to McAuley as our new Aboriginal Education Officer.  Ms Leonard will work with our Indigenous and non-Indigenous students to help them to gain a better understanding of their traditional culture, and be a liaison with our Indigenous families.  


Mitch Tambo - Indigenous Performer:  Yesterday we were very grateful to be invited to James Sheahan to be part of a very special concert by talented artist, Mitch Tamba.  Mitch came to fame in 'Australia's Got Talent' a few years ago.  From there he has developed his Indigenous music and today performed at Sheahan's Mercy Hall to all their students and some Indigenous students from their feeder Primary Catholic schools.  We were able to take our Indigenous students from Year 4, 5 & 6, along with our lovely new Aboriginal Education Officer to Sheahan to experience Mitch's wonderful music.  A very special 'thank you' to all at Sheahan for their invitation, and also for the use of their bus for transport.  


Sporting Carnivals:  This week Mrs Rowena Livingstone and Mr Scott Hudson are very busy organising qualifying events for students in both our Athletics’ Carnival and the Diocesan Cross Country Carnival.  The Athletics' Carnival for students in Year 2 (8 year olds) to 6 will be held next Wednesday, 10th April at James Sheahan.  Qualifying for the Cross Country took place today and those successful will be eligible to compete in the Diocesan Cross Country next term at Coolah.  Our Infants children will have their Athletics Carnival later in the year.



Have a wonderful week!

Robyn Petty

Assistant Principal