KLA Feature - HSIE

With Year 9 Elective History and Year 11 Ancient History students already out in the field at the Australian Museum looking at ancient Egyptian artefacts, HSIE students and staff are having an impressive start to the year. A cohesive and focused approach has been applied in all classes and your daughter will have noted already the close attention to literacy strategies and increased participation in discussions to enhance their thinking. With so many subjects in HSIE, we are diving into many interesting topics, with money being the focus for some - Yr 12 Business students are learning financial management, and Commerce students are learning about household budgets. The contentious Arab-Israeli conflict, the medieval world of the Vikings and the state of crime in NSW are all examined in the HSIE KLA this term. We are excited for further excursions and incursions in different subjects in our KLA that are already planned for the term ahead, and we are very keen to enjoy the learning journey with your daughter this year.
Mrs Natalie Vella
Leader of Learning HSIE