Partnerships and Pathways

A new year brings exciting opportunities and new horizons for our students in exploring their future pathways! It’s fair to say that this has particular importance for our Class of 2024, who I had the pleasure of meeting as they returned to school last week. The message we gave to our Year 12s is equally applicable, though, to all students from Years 7-12: the importance of discussing pathway aspirations with the key network of people in their own lives (such as families, friends, teachers…and of course their Pathways Coaches!). A recent OECD Education report stated: “Strong evidence exists of better employment prospects...if students engage in career conversations.” One of our fabulous career education partners is Study Work Grow (SWG). SWG’s CEO is Lucy Sattler, who discussed in a recent article how career planning is a social process. Students who talk with other trusted people in their lives are given invaluable emotional and practical support, enabling them and challenging them to articulate their career thinking and helping them to make meaning of their career aspirations. So – the big message as we launch into 2024 – talk to your daughter about their pathway hopes and dreams and encourage them to come and meet with us for a coaching conversation at school too! One of our College wellbeing goals this year is to create a post school pathway plan for each graduating Year 12 student. With that in mind we will soon be outlining the practical ways we will be working in partnership to meet this important objective. These personalised plans will be an invaluable resource that we’ll be working on with Class of 2024, who will take this asset with them when they graduate and embark on the next steps on their pathways.
It’s never too early for any CCC student to start pathways planning though – so to make a booking, email:
Mr Adam Macnamara
Partnerships and Pathways