English News

Formation at Swimming Carnival
February 7th was an extremely successful day for Formation, who raised a great deal of money to support “Share the Dignity”. During the carnival, the members of Formation sold Zooper Doopers to raise money for “Share the Dignity,” a charity for women’s health, including assisting women struggling with poverty, domestic violence, and homelessness, by distributing period products to attain menstrual equity. Everyone worked tirelessly to put this event together, especially Mr Christiansen and Dr Schroor, as well as Formation’s wonderful members.
At first, business was quite slow since everyone was preoccupied with watching the races, however, it gradually picked up over time. A spike in sales occurred during lunch time, when Formation members went around to different people and sold the ice poles to them directly, which greatly increased the revenue. It also gave Formation a chance to interact with the staff and students of Nossal, including the new Year 9s, who will hopefully be choosing to also join 2024mation. Everyone’s efforts amounted to a significant donation to “Share the Dignity”.
Again, thank you Mr Christiansen and Dr Schroor for putting so much effort into assisting Formation. We look forward to events like this in 2024 and greatly appreciate everyone who bought the Zooper Doopers, for supporting Share the Dignity.
Lochini Baduge
Year 10