In Memoriam

Ms Juliea Slywka

Embracing life with open arms

Juliea Slywka joined the Nossal community in 2014 in the role of Communications Officer and Events Coordinator. She immediately impressed as a professional with significant skills to contribute, and perhaps more importantly as someone who engaged with life in a consistently open and optimistic way. As a long-term associated of the school has noted in the days following her passing, her "attention to detail and passion for the work she did with the school was inspirational. She truly was a visionary."



Juliea was an unfailingly supportive individual who was always ready with a smile and a helping hand. When the school transitioned from one online platform to another, for example, she brought her technical skills to bear by acting first as an early adopter and then as a source of advice and assistance for her peers. 


Leaving aside her dedication to making sure that Nossal was always able to present its best face to the world, and her diligence in ensuring that our families and students were kept informed of important events in the school's life, the single most defining feature of Juliea's life was the love and pride she had for her family. I don't think there is anyone she interacted with who didn't recognise the delight she took in her life outside the school whether as a partner, a mother or a grandmother. Her excitement at each family members' successes and her pride in their every undertaking were palpable as she shared the latest news and pictures. Her love for them outshone even her love for the colour pink! 



Juliea's good humoured presence will be greatly missed at Nossal. She had started the year excited to be embracing a new role and a new set of skills to learn, and it was a pleasure to see her so motivated and invigorated. We will mourn her, and hope to honour her by recalling and emulating her best qualities as we move on without her.


Tracey Mackin

Acting Principal

A colleague reflects

In my role as an Assistant Principal, I had the pleasure of working with Juliea at Nossal in her capacity as the Communications Officer and Events Coordinator. Juliea loved both roles, which often morphed into a common task.


Juliea had a very good knowledge of a range of social media platforms and was proficient in using them to promote a range of school events. Likewise, she also had the ability to utilize her substantial desktop publishing skills in all manner of school publications from invitations to programs, to handbooks to our annual yearbook, The Butterfly Effect.



Juliea really enjoyed working with students, especially the student leaders in their various roles. She was instrumental in projects such as the design of Year 12 jackets, schedules for Valedictory Dinners and was responsible for a lot of the programming of the Annual Speech Night. Juliea was always happy to “embrace the challenge” and learn new skills that would enhance her work at and for the school. Likewise, she was always ready to offer support and advice whenever it was needed by those she worked with.



As I said above, I enjoyed working with Juliea on many of our shared projects. She was a great colleague and a supportive, organised friend, someone I could always rely on to complete tasks to the highest quality.


Keith Butler

Assistant Principal (2015-2021)


A funeral service will be held on Friday 23 February at


St Kevin's Catholic Parish

120 Hallam Rd

Hampton Park at 11:30am


Instead of flowers, the family suggests that people may wish to donate in Juliea's name to the Black Dog ride event. 

Share your memories

Juliea's work and life touched people in many different spaces and fields. If you knew her, and would like to share your memories of her with us and with her family, we would be honoured to hear from you. Simply send an email through to to contribute your thoughts.