Catholic Identity

This week's Ash Wednesday liturgy was the beginning of the church's season of Lent. It was wonderful to see the Grade 4/5 students lead our liturgy on this important day. We often talk to the children about giving things up and making sacrifices during this time of preparation for Easter.
However, the day’s message to the children was to ask themselves over the coming days and weeks; 'Have you been kind to someone today?' Maybe we can use this as a starting point for conversation and reflection. It is certainly a positive way in which we can reflect on being better people.
Once again, the THEME of Project Compassion is ‘FOR ALL FUTURE GENERATIONS’.
This year, it’s inspired by the story in Exodus (3:1-20). In this story, God tells Moses that he has heard the cry of the people. God responds to things not being fair and chooses Moses to speak to Pharaoh. Though Moses is afraid, God promises to be with him. And God said, This is my name for all time; by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come (3:15). As God called Moses, so now God calls us to work for justice for all future generations.
Students will receive a Project Compassion box with any families wishing to contribute to return the box by Friday 22nd March. We appreciate your support.