Principal's Report
with Simone Roy
Principal's Report
with Simone Roy
Last week saw activities week culminating in the traditional picnic day held out at Mountain Creek this year. There was a small group of students in attendance who participated in a range of activities, such as paddling in the river, short walks in the area, art, gold panning and a really fun trust activity where each partner took a turn to guide their partner on a walk with their eyes closed. I was paired up with Eoghan and they did the best job at making sure I was able to navigate the uneven terrain without any mishaps (I did have my hands out front ready to break my fall the whole time!). Thanks to all the staff that attended and ran activities and to the students who joined in the fun.
Held Wednesday evening, this event is always the highlight of the year. It is the time when our whole school community can come together and recognise the achievements of our students. While not just focussed on academic achievement, there are many opportunities for all students to be able to be nominated for an award, with many awards being given for being a good school community member.
These evenings are always so heart warming and make me so proud to be the principal of Mount Beauty Secondary College. We have truly wonderful students, families and staff and that is why we are such a great, community driven school. It is not all about results; having our students achieve highly is always pleasing to see them reach their full potential, but making sure our students leave here as a better person than when they started – as educated thinkers who are considerate of everyone and everything is just as important.
These reports were made available to families on Friday afternoon and outline the progress your child has made for Semester 2. The comments should outline a specific task that was completed in the semester and some suggestions for areas for improvement. Staff will be at school until this coming Wednesday 20th, so if you would like to talk to them about the reports, please don’t hesitate to call school or email the teacher directly.
Monday 29th January: All staff return, student free day, minimal office attendance this day.
Tuesday 30th January: Teacher professional learning day, student free day, office open.
Wednesday 31st January: Students return.
Thursday 1st February: Family welcome BBQ, 5 – 7pm. Event RSVP in Compass Tix for catering purposes.