Student Achievements

Piano performance at the Ringwood Eisteddfod

Congratulations to Harrison Zhou, Year 5, for winning 2nd prize in his section at the Ringwood Eisteddfod earlier this month. 


Competing against 30 talented performers, Harrison's excellent piano performance earned 

him a silver medal, awarded by Mr Glenn Riddle, one of Australia’s top piano teachers. 


We wish Harrison all the best for his upcoming competitions at the Monash Youth Festival and Boroondara Eisteddfod!

Half-marathon race 

Congratulations to Archie Fifoot, Year 9, who completed his first half-marathon race on 15 June alongside his Mum in Torquay. The race spanned approximately 22km, starting at Point Addis and finishing at Fairhaven. 


Archie finished the run in an impressive one hour and 33 minutes, securing 1st place in the under 18s category and an overall 5th place! Well done, Archie!



2024 Australian Olympic Swimming Trials 

A huge congratulations to Annie Steele, Year 10, and Liam Molloy, Year 12, for qualifying to swim at the 2024 Australian Olympic Trials held from June 10 to 15. 

These trials are the most prestigious domestic swimming event in the national calendar. It was an amazing opportunity for Annie and Liam to gain experience in this elite swimming environment. Our swimmers and their families reported that the atmosphere during the meet was ‘electric!’


Although our swimmers did not make the Olympic Team this year, they continue to move up the ranks … so watch this space!

We are all enormously proud of your achievements, Annie and Liam!