School Highlights (cont'd)

Year 7 Toy Time

Massimo Mammone, Year 7


Over the last few weeks of Term 2, during Science and Digital Technologies classes, the Year 7 cohort has been working tirelessly on our biggest project yet - Toy Time!

In mixed groups of three to five, we were tasked with creating an original toy using maths, science, digital technology and engineering skills. Our toys had to include a push, pull, or twist force and meaningfully incorporate a microbit (a tiny programmable audio-visual device), which we had to code ourselves using the Python programming language.


With a budget of 150 'Kilvo dollars,' we could purchase decorative and structural equipment from the Toy Time shop, located in the Science labs. The laser cutter was used to create sturdy and colorful structures for our toys. Some of the toys we created included mini-golf, pinball machines, mini soccer, 'box versus car,' and more!

The entire Year 7 group presented their toys at a showcase for Years 3 and 4 students, teachers, and Belinda from Moose Toys, who awarded the Industry Award to Xinci Fu, Roxana Kanzburg, Alana McCurdy, and Bryce Becher. The Teachers Award went to Natalie Feigin, Aurora Mellios, Harvey Lin and Cameron Littlewood, while the Kids Choice Award went to Stella Frangoulis, Angelene Droutsis, Xavier Campbell and Paul Mavroudis.


Toy Time taught all of us valuable skills in communication, strategic thinking, engineering, safety and teamwork. This is an experience we will never forget, and we can’t wait to see the creations future Year 7s will create!

Years 7 to 9 Debating Finals

On Tuesday 18 June, we were treated to a rousing debate during our Debating Finals.

Representing Barrett House were Zoe Hovy (Year 7), Myrah Bhargava (Year 7) and Leo Mufic (Year 7). They faced off against Viraj Martyn (Year 7), Ben Franzi (Year 7) and Will Stevens (Year 8) from Fysh House, debating the age-old conundrum: is telepathy a better superpower than teleportation?


Congratulations to Barrett House for convincing our esteemed and distinguished panel of judges that telepathy is indeed the superior power, winning by one point! 

Also, congratulations to Will Stevens from Fysh House for being voted the best speaker.

Years 11 and 12 chemistry excursion to the University of Melbourne 


The Units 2 and 4 Chemistry students recently immersed themselves in a morning of rigorous scientific exploration within the laboratories of the University of Melbourne.


The Year 11 students used UV-visible spectrometers to analyse the iron, copper and phosphate concentrations in water samples. Meanwhile, Year 12 students used nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, infrared spectra and mass spectrometry to determine the structures of mystery organic molecules.


Throughout the session, students gained practical skills that enhanced their understanding of chemistry.