PFA Update

Nadine Power, PFA President

PFA Staff Thank You Morning Tea 

Thank you to all the Kilvington families who delivered items for the PFA Thank You Morning Tea last Wednesday. Our wonderful staff enjoyed a delicious array of treats and appreciated all the notes and messages of thanks for students and parents. 


An extra special thank you to Lou Cooper, Kim Johnston and Natasha Lowe for setting up and packing up. We appreciate your time and efforts. 

News from the Secondhand Uniform Shop (SHUS) - 20 July

A reminder that the next opening of the SHUS will be on Saturday 20 July from 9.00 to 11.00am in Dalton Hall.


PLEASE NOTE: This will be the last opportunity for families to drop off all uniform items for consignment sales.  After this date, only blazers, the winter tunic and winter skirts will be accepted. Other uniform items in excellent condition and freshly cleaned will be accepted as a donation. The PFA is currently investigating options to recycle old and worn uniform items, and information about this will be shared as soon as possible.

2025 Fair kick-off meeting - 6 August

Everyone is invited to attend the Fair kick-off meeting on Tuesday 6 August from 7.00 to 8.30pm in the Multipurpose Room in the Sport Centre.


Come and hear about what's planned and see how you can get involved. You can find a list of all the proposed Fair Stalls here


If you have any questions, or would like to suggest a stall not currently listed, please contact Nadine Power via

Father’s Day Stall - 23 August

Volunteers are needed for the Father’s Day Stall on Friday 23 August. If you are free to help, please sign up here.

Father’s Day Breakfast - 30 August

Tickets are now on sale for the annual Father’s Day Breakfast to be held on Friday 30 August from 7.30 to 8.30am in Dalton Hall.


Tickets are $30 for adults and senior students, and $20 for ELC and junior students. It includes a delicious breakfast pack, live music, craft activities and the opportunity to win one of the lucky door prizes. You can book your tickets here. And if you are able to lend a hand setting up or helping at the Breakfast, please sign up here

Prep Mum’s Night Out

To celebrate the Prep students reaching the halfway mark of their first year in primary school, the Prep mums enjoyed a celebratory night out at Akaba Japanese Restaurant in Brighton last week. Special thanks to the Prep CSRs for organising such a wonderful event.

PFA supported events- Term 3

  • SHUS – Sat 20 Jul, Dalton Hall PFA 
  • PFA General and 2025 Fair Kick Off Meeting- Tues 6 Aug, Multipurpose Room
  • CSR Meeting – Wed 7 Aug, Conference Room
  • Father’s Day Stall - Fri 23 Aug, Dalton Hall
  • SHUS – Sat 24 Aug, Dalton Hall
  • Father’s Day Breakfast – Fri 30 Aug, Dalton Hall
  • PFA General Meeting – Tues 3 Sept, Conference Room
  • Junior School Production – Tues 17 and Thurs 19 Sept, Dalton Hall