From the Leadership Team

Rob French, Principal

A chance to recharge the batteries

In the lead-up to the King’s Birthday weekend, I spoke to our Junior School students about the importance of switching off and finding time for activities that bring us joy when we get the opportunity.


With our community about to enjoy a three-week break from school, this is a good time to revisit the notion of spending time doing what we love and how crucial this is for maintaining a healthy work/school/life balance.


Many of our students maintain hectic schedules during the term, juggling various external activities alongside schoolwork. While staying busy is generally healthy, it's essential that our young people have the chance to relax and unwind, especially during the holiday period.  


Whether it's through exercise and playing sports, catching up with friends, watching movies, shopping, creating artwork, playing music or simply ‘chilling,’ I encourage our students to set aside time for what they love over the holidays.

As adults, we too often get caught up in demanding schedules and easily neglect our own wellbeing. I believe that we are most productive when we have the right balance in our work, family, social and recreational lives, and we should continue to find activities that make us feel good throughout our lives.

As we approach the holiday period, I hope that all members of our school community can enjoy some time out, indulge in their favorite pastimes, and thus feel re-energised for the second semester.

Wrapping up Term 2

We enjoyed a wonderful term with many highlights across all areas of the School. It feels like a long time ago that our Senior School students experienced their camp week, which launched us into the new term. 

Since then, students have competed in our Junior School House Athletics, embraced the Mother’s Day Breakfast, celebrated the Year 9 Social Enterprise Evening, engaged in the Global Connections Tour to France, performed in the production of High School Musical, played in several EISM grand finals and, more recently, were involved in Years 10 and 11 examinations, the Years 1 to 8 Winter Concert, and the Concerto Concert, among a range of other activities.


Once again, our students are to be congratulated for the manner in which they have approached the term and tackled a variety of challenges. They have certainly earned their holiday and the downtime that it affords them. 


In no time, we will be preparing to farewell the Class of 2024, and I know that they will make the most of every moment as they approach their final months of schooling. I wish them all the best.


I hope you enjoy this final edition of In The Know for the term, and I wish all members of the community a relaxing and happy holiday period.

Staffing news

Wishing all the best to Jess Tham, Art and Year 9 Program Teacher, who has commenced parental leave, and to Emily Austin, Dean of Wellbeing (Burman), who will be going on parental leave from 1 August.


We also wish Shauna Kiernan, Geography Teacher, all the best as she takes Term 3 off to get married and travel. Anna Kasapis, PE Teacher, is also taking long service leave in Term 3.

We bid farewell to the following staff members for making a great contribution to our community during their short time here, covering various leave:

  • Phil Devlin, Mathematics Teacher
  • Matthew Gardiner, Year 3 Teacher
  • Robyn Smith, Reception
  • Laure Moisson Vinsonneau, French Language Assistant

Next term, we look forward to welcoming back Alice James, Head of Teaching and Learning, and Stephanie Sardellis, Mathematics Teacher, both returning from parental leave, as well as Paul Stefanetti, who will be returning from long service leave.


We will welcome the following new staff members in Term 3:

  • Jen Kaucic, Art Teacher. Jen has a Bachelor of Visual Arts and a Bachelor of Education. Since graduating, she has taught at Valkstone Primary School as both a Year 1 Classroom Teacher and Visual Arts Teacher. Jen is replacing Jess Tham while Jess is on parental leave.
  • Georgina Elliott, Humanities Teacher. Georgina has a background as a solicitor and holds a Bachelor of Laws from University of Queensland.  She retrained as a teacher in 2016 and has worked as a Legal Studies, English and Humanities teacher in Queensland for six years. Georgina is replacing Emily Austin’s teaching load while Emily is on parental leave.
  • Luka Hargan, Geography Teacher. Luka has taught geography since 2015, starting her career in Ireland. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (hons) in Humanities, with majors in Geography and English, as well as a Masters of Science in Education. Luka has also worked in Abu Dhabi as both Head of Humanities and Head of Year 6. Luka is replacing Shauna Kiernan for Term 3.
  • Kathy Morgan, PE Teacher. Kathy has been a Health and PE Teacher for over 40 years, working in both Queensland and Victoria. She holds a Diploma of Teaching in Health and Physical Education (P-12) from Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education. Most recently, Kathy has worked as Junior School Health and PE Teacher and Coordinator at Melbourne Girls Grammar. Kathy will replace Anna Kasapis for Term 3 while Anna is on long service leave.
  • Camille Manoury, French Language Assistant. Camille Manoury will be our new Language Assistant for French, replacing Laure Moisson Vinsonneau as she moves back to France.