A note from the Principal

Hello everyone
Welcome to this, the final edition of ‘Healesville High Connections’ for 2023.
Please enjoy this special edition, which shows our school as it is- vibrant, busy, engaged, and caring. Focussed and personalised, and a great place to learn and teach.
2023 has been a particularly successful year for our school, with many highlights. Our academic results across all levels of the school have been very pleasing and there have been extra-curricular highlights in abundance.
Our students have shown their enthusiasm, talent, and willingness to be involved in all aspects of school life, parents have been consistently supportive, and the professionalism, care, generosity, and hard work of staff members has shone through like a beacon.
A special congratulations to the graduating class of 2023.
I know that school staff and the families of the graduating class couldn’t be prouder of their efforts and their achievements.
Congratulations to Reece Smith, the highest achieving Year 12 VCE student, the Dux of the class. Congratulations also, to every member of the graduating class and the very best of good wishes for the future.
It was so pleasing to be able to acknowledge the Class of 2023 at the Presentation Evening held on Thursday of last week and it was also extremely pleasing to acknowledge the very many students from Years 7-11 who received awards on the night.
Students were congratulated, acknowledged, and rewarded for outstanding achievements in academic, sporting, and musical pursuits, leadership, and service to the community.
A special thank you to year level managers and heads of school, and to Daniel Glenn, and Matthew Donald for all the work that went into ensuring the night was a fitting celebration of the efforts and achievements of our students.
Thank you to all members of our school community for contributing to the individual and collective successes highlighted in this newsletter and to the successes of our school this year. May I take this opportunity to thank the following groups:
The staff members of Healesville High School. Individually and collectively, they are professional, dedicated, caring, compassionate and extremely hard-working. They make a difference every day.
The parents of our school students- thank you for your support, your input to the daily life of our school and the partnerships we have with you in developing young people academically, socially, and emotionally.
Finally, and most importantly, our students- thank you for embracing the opportunities on offer. Be proud of your achievements and be proud of the achievements of your school.
Please note the following key date for 2024:
The first day of the school year for students is WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31.
Please enjoy this newsletter and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Allan Rennick