Where everyone knows your name!
Welcome Back!
Where everyone knows your name!
Welcome Back!
1st 2024 Prep Students Commence
2nd Assembly 9.00am
5th Gymnastics Program - session 1
6th Whole School Mass - 9.00am
8th Family Picnic - 5.30pm
9th Assembly 9.00am
12th Gymnastics Program - session 2
13th Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
14th Ash Wednesday - Whole School Mass 9.00am
16th Assembly 9.00am
19th Gymnastics Program - session 3
23rd Assembly 9.00am
26th Gymnastics Program - session 4
1st Assembly 9.00am
6th Preps commence full time
8th School Closure Day - Staff First Aid Training
11th Labour Day Public Holiday
15th Assembly 9.00am
22nd Assembly 9.00am
28th Last Day of Term 1- 1.00pm Dismissal
May the God of community walk with us and beside us this year,
sharing our journey and listening to our stories,
embracing our pain, rejoicing in our triumphs.
May God continue to bless our efforts to grow
into a strong and vibrant community
where each person accepts the invitation to
celebrate all good things.
And may God, the giver of life;
Jesus, the eternal Word; and the Spirit who inspires us,
bless us now and forever.
Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to the new school year. It has been wonderful welcoming all students back, and welcoming our new prep students into the school community. Everyone has settled into school life and have enjoyed time seeing their friends and making new friends. This is a special time for our Year Six students too, who embrace the opportunity to spend time with their prep buddies and help them to navigate the school environment.
In acknowledgement of the new year and to gather again as a community we invite all families to our Family Picnic next Thursday, 8th February. The picnic will begin at 5.30pm on the oval. Families bring their own food and drinks. Please note that in accordance with our Child Safe Policy alcohol is not permitted at this event.
Welcome to new staff
It has been a pleasure welcoming our new teacher Grade 2/3 classroom teacher, Miss Jemma Melgaard to our school community. Miss Melgaard is very excited and enthusiastic about joining St Philip’s and has enjoyed these early days of term getting to know her students.
Another staff change this year is that of Mrs Michelle Sherriff taking on the role of PE teacher. Michelle has had experience with PE at previous schools and looks forward to teaching the students in this area as well as in STEM. She will also continue teaching the Prep/Grade 1 students on Fridays.
School assemblies will continue on Fridays at 9.00am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
School Advisory Council (SAC)
The SAC is a crucial part of our school community as it promotes consultation between parish, school and families. Parent representative share their wisdom and offer support to me in relation to strategic interests of the school according to the terms of reference. If you are interested in being a part of the SAC or if you would like further information please contact me.
School Canteen
Canteen will resume next week, Friday 9 February. Canteen on Friday’s is a popular time for students and staff. We appreciate the support of Mrs Angi Hill and Mrs Clara Navaretti who will lead the organisation of the canteen this year. The support of the other parents who have signed up to help is also very much appreciated.
2024 Student Leadership
Congratulations to the following students who together comprise our 2024 student leadership team.
School Captains: Zara R & Jane M
Arnold House – Belinda L
Heriot House – Eliza R
Loreto House – Navkirat B
Ryan House – Daisy G
Library Leader – Seth D
Student Action Leader – John J
We look forward to an exciting year at St Philip’s this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with any question, concerns or queries.
Warmest regards,
Michelle Worcester
For the next 4 Monday's, the children will be partaking in a 45 min Gymnastics Program in the Fr Arnold Hall. For ease of movement and comfort we ask that all children wear their sports uniform.
The Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund provided by the Victorian Government is once again available to families where a parent has a valid concession card IE; Health Care Card.
Please get in touch with the office to obtain an application form.
Cake Raffle
We are once again conducting the weekly cake raffle to be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.
Please sign up to bake using the following link https://volunteersignup.org/9JEMB
All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.
Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.
Thank you for your support
Tuck Shop
Clara and Angi will be managing the tuckshop in 2024 - please reach out to them if you’d like to join the tuck shop team.
Clara: 0449 767 020 and Angi: 0431 021 711
Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school!