School Prayer

Father in Heaven,

Help us to be a community in faith and trust.

Help us to provide a nurturing and safe environment for 

everyone in the school community. 

Help us to provide an environment where our children

contribute to the development of the kind of world

envisaged by Jesus by living the ideal of doing

Something Beautiful for God.

Help us to nurture a Jesus-centred environment, where

Gospel values are actively lived and practised.

Help us to promote an active sense of justice and equality

for us all.

Help us to enhance and encourage the role of parents in

the learning process as the first educators of their children.

Help us to encourage an awareness of and desire to respect

and care for self, others and for all of creation.

Help us to value and celebrate each person's gifts, 

encourage them to share their gifts and use them 

to the best of their ability.

Help us to provide a learning environment

which supports the education of the whole child in body,

mind and spirit.

Help us to actively promote the skills of collaboration,

co-operation, thinking and problem solving in all areas of learning

as preparation to meet the challenges of an ever changing future.


St Helena, pray for us,

St Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us.