Year 7 Camp 

Exploring Connections: Year 7 Camp at Gundiwindi Lodge

We are delighted to share the tales of an extraordinary adventure that unfolded at Gundiwindi Lodge, where our spirited Year 7 students embarked on a three-day journey of connection, discovery, and engagement.


Separated into four dynamic groups based on their sub-schools, our Year 7 students dived headfirst into the heart of Gundiwindi Lodge. The camp was filled with a range of exciting activities designed to push boundaries and foster teamwork. From the adrenaline-pumping Giant Swing to the zipline thrill of the Flying Fox, our students embraced the challenges with determination and a keen interest to be involved. The smell of freshly baked damper filled the air as students tested their bush culinary skills over an open fire. Initiative activities encouraged creative problem-solving, and the archery range saw the emergent students channeling their inner Katniss Everdeen to pop balloons covering bullseyes.

In addition to the outdoor adventures, the camp included an insightful introduction to the support systems available at University High School. This served as a valuable resource for our Year 7 students, ensuring they are well-acquainted with the tools and assistance at their disposal as they navigate their educational journey.


A highlight of the camp was the opportunity to connect with the natural world. Students had the chance to feed farm animals, fostering a sense of responsibility and appreciation for the environment and the ways we can recycle food waste. Another reflection made by a number of students was their enjoyment of an energetic bush dance and trivia night hosted by Year 10 Peer Support Buddies.


As we reflect on the adventures at Gundiwindi Lodge, we celebrate the connections made, the challenges overcome, and the growth experienced by our Year 7 students. This camp was not just an excursion; but an important opportunity for students to forge friendships and be inducted into the University High School community in a challenging but rewarding way.


Here's to the Year 7 students, the incredible staff who made it all possible, and the supportive UHS community that continues to nurture growth and connection!

Paul Rogers

Head of Year 7 Sub-School