2024 Top Designs Exhibition

Product Design

UHS student selected to exhibit in the 2024 Top Designs Exhibition

Congratulations to Michael Streader, who has been selected to exhibit his VCE Product Design and Technology work in Top Designs 2024 at the Melbourne Museum.

Top Designs is an annual exhibition coordinated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) in partnership with Museums Victoria, showcasing outstanding design works made by VCE and VCE VET students from schools across the state.


This year, only 92 works were selected for the exhibition from over 1,000 applications. Selected works exemplify the innovation, skill and creativity that can be achieved within the Victorian Curriculum.


Michael designed and built a urban habitat for Pardalotes (small native bird) and micro bats (small native bats) out of recycled hardwood..

Both designs are suitable to be installed on the outside of a house, low rise apartment, fence post or tree. For the microbats he designed multiple entryways and exits including through the front and base of the box. Entries and exits also increase airflow for good ventilation which helps to reduce the likelihood that honeybees will use the box. Multiple layers allow bats to move about the box to best manage their temperature and drainage holes prevent flooding. The large size accommodates a colony of microbats.


Textured surfaces on the interior and exterior allows bats to grip easily and mimics a natural tree. Double layer exterior provides great insulation against ambient and radiant heat and a food safe natural finish increases the life of the timber outdoors while not harming the microbats.


The Pardalote design is species specific with a 30mm wide entry tunnel. The exterior grooving provides habitat closer to a natural space for the inhabiting species. A concave base in the nesting chamber means eggs roll to the centre, making it easier for parents to incubate them and drainage holes prevent flooding. 


If you wish to see Michael's designs and his extensive folio work Top Designs will run from Saturday 23rd March until Sunday 14th July at the Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson St, Carlton.


Maryann Augustinus - Product Design