Farewell Grade 6s

Over the last two weeks of our Grade 6s school life at John Paul II enjoyed a beautiful Liturgy and Leavers Dinner. It can be a time where students feel both joy, sadness and other emotions.
Joy for what is to come and some sadness for the school life and some friends they part ways with, whom they have known for many years.
We wish all our Grade 6 students the very best for the future. Thank you for sharing your unique gifts with our school community. We look forward to seeing you again in your new adventures and journeys ahead.
Get the tissues ready, here is the Grade 6 Farewell Video
Congratulations to our 2023 Grade 6 Liturgy Student Award recipients
Academic Award - Storm Green
Our Academic Achiever Award recognises a student who has applied themselves fully to their studies. This student has always given their best and achieved outstanding academic results across a broad range of subjects. This award is donated by The Honourable Julie Collins.
Rotary Civics and Citizenship Award- Ryder Arnott
The Rotary Civics and Citizenship award recognises a student who gives of his or her time freely to help others. They are thoughtful and motivated and set a fine example for others. This award is sponsored by the Howrah Rotary Club.
JPII All Rounder Award - Aaron Okumu
The JPII All Rounder award recognises a student who displays a positive attitude, is committed to their studies in all discipline and community areas. This award is sponsored by the Howrah Rotary Club.
Gannon Quiet Achiever Award - Maya Todd
The Quiet Achiever award recognises a student who works quietly and diligently, who makes no fuss but helps others without wanting anything in return. This award is donated by the Gannon family who have had a long association with our school.
MacKillop College Endeavour Award - Toby Rourke
This award recognises a student who, during their time at John Paul II, has displayed the qualities and characteristics of Mary MacKillop; compassion, bravery, faithfulness and a strong-willed and independent nature. This award is sponsored by Clarence City Council.
Sports Award - Nicholas Grainger
Saint John Paul II was a great sportsperson, sometimes referred to as the 'blessed Sportsman'. This award recognises strong achievement in physical education. It goes to someone who displays excellent sportsmanship and who has displayed service for others in the sporting arena.
The Arts Award - Storm Green
Saint John Paul II was a great lover of the Arts. His love for the Arts was made evident in his beautiful 1999 Easter Sunday “Letter to Artists” which he addresses: “To all who are passionately dedicated to the search for new “epiphanies” of beauty so that through their creative work as artists they may offer these as gifts to the world.” This is a new award and is awarded to someone for passion and excellence in the Arts.
Browne Memorial Shield - Kiri Van Duiven
This award recognises a parent of a Grade 6 student who has been heavily involved in the life of the school.
The Grade 6 Leavers Dinner was a much anticipated event for the Grade 6 students.
By all accounts it was a lovely evening spent together at Beaches Restaurant, Seven Mile Beach.
Highlights were the Darwin 'funny' Awards, a Photo Booth which provided endless entertainment for all and performing a choreographed line dance!
Farewell Mrs Nolan
Grade 6s will farewell Grade 6 Huon teacher Mrs Nolan at the conclusion of this Term.
In Mrs Nolan's honour, Mr Gill made a sensational video that in a nutshell shows how awesome Mrs Nolan is, and was, before she came to JPII!
Goodluck Mrs Nolan on your next endeavour, from all of us at JPII.