GRADE 5/6  


 S A S S A F R A S 

This year we have had Mrs Collinson, Mrs Moynihan and Coach Fitz working in our class. During Term 1, we had an opportunity to go on camp which was at Camp Clayton in Ulverstone. We had great fun and created wonderful memories such as the flying fox, giant swing, rock climbing, team challenges and spending time with our friends. Throughout the year, some students participated in an English extension group called the Inklings. There we wrote stories and poems with Mrs Jaeger. There was also the Mathematics extension group with Mrs Watt where we took part in challenges. 


In Term 2, we had Strength and Shine every Friday afternoon. During Term 3, the 5/6 students were fortunate enough to participate in netball every Friday against other Catholic schools. Throughout the year, we had a number of excursions. We had a robotics incursion with TasNetworks. Some students were chosen to go on a STEM excursion. We also went to go to the Mamma Mia musical performed by Guilford Young College. Earlier in the year we also went to Corpus Christi and took part in a music workshop using some interesting instruments and we put on a concert at the end. In Term 4, we had Water Awareness at Oceana. One of the big highlights for Term 4 was our 40 Year Anniversary Concert. Our class performed dances across the decades, finishing with a whole class dance with staff faces attached.


We wish all the Grade 6s the best of luck for the future and look forward to next year as the 2024 Grade 6s.


Written by:  Grade 5 students from Grade 5/6 Sassafras

Sharvesh and Davi