Round the classes

Reception class: Katie
Katie’s Reception class have been busy learning all about school routines.
In week one we had a lot of fun doing some enjoyable activities with Emma.
This week we have started learning some skills we will start more formally next week. We have started doing Heggarty (phonemic Awareness) and doing some basic maths skills.
We have also had a lot of fun starting swimming lessons at the Burnside Pool. We have been learning how to float and blow bubbles under water. We are looking forward to starting our formal lessons next week.
Reception class: Kelly
It has been such a great start to the year with Kelly's Reception class. The children have settled in so well with the class routines and expectations (class goals).
In literacy, the children have been learning about rhyming and have been rhyming words. For writing, we have been learning about recounts and have already talked about our holidays and what we did on the weekend.
For maths, we have been learning about why fingers are important for counting. The children were given counters where they had to estimate (guess) how many counters they had and then count them using their fingers. We talked about how many different strategies can be used to make counting counters easier using their fingers.
For Health we have been talking about Zones of Regulation. The children have already great knowledge of what the colours represent, and we have been practising our 'check ins' in the morning, after recess and after lunch.
We have been practising our grit with our swimming this week. The children have shown such great persistence and grit with trying to get dry and dressed after their swimming lesson.
Here are some photos of both Reception classes enjoying swimming:
Year 1 class: Jaya
What a wonderful and busy start to the year we have had! Everyone has settled in well and it has been great getting to know the lovely students and their families. We have been working on our classroom routines and expectations, discussing how we want our classroom to feel, look and sound. We have co-written our shared class expectations which are helping us to remember we are part of a team.
A big part of our learning has been around the Zones of Regulation. We have been practising checking in with ourselves during the day to see how we are travelling. Our next focus will be on discussing different strategies we can use to help us look after ourselves in whatever Zone we are in.
During week 2, students thoroughly enjoyed their swimming lessons. Check out the photo of us in our life jackets looking at safe water practices!
I am so impressed with how the children have been engaging with their learning so far and we are looking forward to getting into our regular routine.
Year 2 class: Samantha
I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you're as excited as we are about the fantastic start we've had in Year 2. The children have settled in beautifully and are already diving into their learning with enthusiasm and curiosity.
In maths, we've been focusing not only on numbers and place value but also on developing a growth mindset and fostering grit in our learning. Understanding that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, I've been encouraging the children to embrace challenges, persist in the face of difficulties, and learn from their mistakes. Through various activities and discussions, we aim to instil in them the belief that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.
In Literacy, the children have been learning about the structure of recounts, including the use of capital letters, full stops, nouns, and proper nouns. Each morning, we've been recounting our swimming lessons, focusing on the concept of using a "Connie Connective" to enhance the flow and coherence of their sentences. I'm excited to see them continue to flourish as storytellers and communicators this year.
It's been a joy to witness the enthusiasm and energy that the children bring to our classroom each day. We're all looking forward to a busy and exciting term ahead, filled with learning, growth, and memorable experiences.
As always, I encourage open communication between home and school. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or if you'd simply like to share your child's achievements and experiences with me. Enjoy your weekend!
Year 3 class: Stephen and Troy
We are enjoying a fantastic start to the school year. We are grateful for our new classroom, with its amazing space and views of the outside environment. The swimming has made us reflect on What Went Well each afternoon before home time.
We have also re-visited our understanding of the Zones of Regulation, and we now have a new tool in place to communicate which Zone we are in with our teachers. The picture below shows this tool – Ask us and we can tell you how it works. We also gave some thought to the Learning Pit to see where we are at with our knowledge of Place Value.
Next week will be all about settling into our learning patterns for each day…😊
Year 4/5 class: Alex
During our first two weeks of the school year, students have been setting up their classroom rules and expectations. They have been participating in discussions around which behaviours are acceptable and respectful in the classroom. They have agreed on ways the class should behave and treat each other in order for everyone to feel safe and focused on their learning. Students have co- written a classroom agreement, outlining these shared expectations.
Students have been using their Zones of Regulation check-in cards to reflect on and identify the emotion they are experiencing. They have been monitoring which Zone they are in and what they can do to take action to self-regulate their emotions throughout the day. When feeling in the yellow and red zone some students have practised using the strategy of taking a timed a two-minute break outside. Others have been taking breaths, using fidget toys, having a drink of water or moving to a new space in the room to work. As a class we have been enjoying a range of brain break activities to get moving, stretching and smiling between learning sessions.
The school values focus this term is on ‘grit.’ We have been unpacking the concept of ‘gritty’, exploring what it means to be resilient and not give up. Students have been connecting how having grit is important when we are in the learning pit. They have been exploring how it is normal to feel challenged and frustrated when in the learning pit. We have investigated strategies and thoughts that are helpful when in the pit and feeling stuck. Students have also created individual, digitally-designed posters for themselves to remind them of strategies and self- talk to use when feeling stuck in their learning.
Students have been completing pre-assessments in place value, multiplication tables and spelling to inform their starting points for their learning in these areas this term. They have also been busy organising new stationary and decorating book covers. Students have enjoyed engaging in daily mental maths and have been sharing strategies in their marking groups.
This week student have been enjoying their swimming lessons. They have shown teamwork, patience and respect whilst working together to get organised and follow instructions at the pool.
Year 5/6 class: Sallie
We have had a busy start to the term with some assessment pieces to guide our learning and also allows "get to know the students" snap shot.
We have started our HASS geography topic and unpacked the idea of diversity and what that means to us in our community. Our posters are displayed in the hall way on our pin board.
We have logged on and used Read Theory to sharpen our comprehension skills and Maths Online to start our investigation into place value.
We are working on defining our class expectations and hope to have posters displayed soon.
Thank you to Jodi Braley, Phil Charlton, Luke Sanders and Tina Vince for giving up their work to be able to help drive, supervise, cook, clean and set up numerous tents and swags on our Aquatics Camp. Without these volunteers, we would not be able to have such great camps. Thanks. Please read the newsletter insert about Aquatics Camp and to see some pictures of the camp.
The year 6's have written a narrative which will be used to set their writing goals for the term (year 5s will catch up on this next week). And of course, the Year 5s have had swimming every day this week and the Year 6s their overnight Aquatics camp.
Always busy.
Science: Philippa
This term the younger students will learn about properties and uses of materials such as glass, wood, plastic, metal, paper, playdough. They will also make things and build with some of these.
Older students will learn about solids, liquids and gases - starting with an introduction to the Periodic Table.
I have gathered activities from the Education Department Units of Work and Primary Connections then added a few experiments/ activities that I know students have enjoyed in the past. So, hopefully everyone will learn lots and have some fun too!
The following donations for science would be gratefully received - 4 litre plastic icecream containers, small plastic softdrink or water bottles 375ml or 600ml and small plastic bubble wands. These can be left in the Art Room next to the sink.
Indonesian: Ibu Susan
In Indonesian we have been busy in the junior primary classes getting to know our class teddies, Budiwati and Pak Badak. We have also started to look at colour and number words.
The middle and upper primary students have completed Indonesian maps and revised colours, numbers and basic phrases. It is fantastic to see all the children so eager and ready to learn!
PE: Emma and Troy
Within our lower primary Physical Education lessons this week we have been practising and refining fundamental movement skills of throwing, catching and spatial awareness. During these inclusive lessons we have learnt how to work as a team, focusing on enjoyment and engagement. - Emma
In middle and upper primary PE, classes have been working on cooperative games with a focus on following rules and being respectful when working in a team. - Troy