School News

Emergency procedures test text message
Today all parents and caregivers should have received a test text message in preparation for bushfire or other emergencies. The message read:
This is a test message from Uraidla Primary School in preparation for our emergency procedures. Do not reply to this message (unless to let us know it was sent to you in error). Thank you, Margie
If you did NOT receive this message, please contact the front office to inform us or to update your contact details. In case of bushfire or other emergencies, we will use this service to communicate with families, for example, changes to school pick-up times or school closures. Note that our school is scheduled to close on catastrophic days.
Our school has detailed plans in place to keep your child safe in the event of a bushfire:
We encourage you to read the Department’s Bushfire and your child’s school or preschool brochure for more information on school closures and how we will act if threatened by a bushfire. Search ‘bushfire information’ at
Many schools don't allow dogs on their grounds, At Uraidla Primary School we love welcoming dogs but we are mindful of keeping everyone safe and comfortable around dogs. Due to this, we ask that if you bring a dog onto the school grounds you keep to the oval side of the paths, so children and adults can approach safely and pass without disturbance. We also feel this is better for the dogs so they don't get overwhelmed and startled by the loud noises and large amounts of people. Please always keep your dog on a lead in and around the school grounds including the carpark area by the town oval where there are often small children. Thank you for your consideration and for adhering to the rules allowing dogs to continue coming to Uraidla.
Uraidla Primary School Parents and Friends
We are a group of parents and friends of the school, who share the vision of an inclusive and welcoming school community. We focus on activities that raise funds for the school and provide opportunities to bring everyone together and feel part of our community. Best of all we have a lot of fun and laughs while doing it.
Originally part of the Governing Council we are a separate group with Margie Sarre, our Principal on both committees, as well as a member of the P&F committee, so there is a crossover of input.
We meet twice a term, and everyone volunteers to run or support different activities throughout the year. You can join the committee or, if you’re short on time, we welcome ad hoc support for events and activities.
P&F activities you can volunteer to help out with include:
- Willow Café ( run after assemblies, hot drinks and snacks)
- Sausage sizzles for Acquaintance night/ end of year concert
- Second hand uniform sales
- Kytons Bakery sale
- Easter Raffle
- Bulb Fundraiser
- School Disco
- Sports Day cafe
- Colour Run (bi-annually)
- Art show (bi-annually)
To join, come along to a meeting (dates in the yearly planner) or email to express your interest in helping out with events.
Each newsletter we will introduce some members of the committee. Feel free to say hi or ask any of us a question when you see us around the school.
Chair - Kate Griffiths
Secretary – Amanda Preskett
I have been part of the P&F since my daughter joined the school in 2021. I love being part of the group, getting to know other parents and children, as well as feeling like I am contributing to the school. My favourite activities are the school disco and the Easter raffle. I’m also part of the Green Team which implements initiatives to help the school minimise its impact on the environment.
Treasurer – Carrie Williamson
Carrie joined the P&F in 2020, with children currently in years 4 and 2 (as well as one at
Kindy). Carrie enjoys the opportunity to give back to the students through school improvements and fun learning experiences. In addition, being part of the P&F provides insight into the school and its future direction, beyond the day-to-day routines.
Second-Hand Uniforms
The Parents & Friends group will hold a second-hand uniform sale during Acquaintance Night next Tuesday 13th February. Prices from $1, cash & EFT available. We are looking for any donations of uniform items in good condition. Please drop off any preloved uniforms to the front office by next Tuesday. All funds raised help support projects & experiences to enhance our school.
Please make sure you label all uniforms as soon as you buy them to ensure they are returned to the correct students if lost.
Bulb Fundraiser
Support Uraidla Primary School and beautify your garden at the same time.
Uraidla Primary School is kicking off fundraising for 2024 through the sale of beautiful bulbs. Get your orders in before April 11th by following these three easy steps:
- Go to the Uraidla Fundraising Page
- Select your bulbs and proceed to checkout
- Enter payment details and YOUR postal address for delivery
Anyone is welcome to place an order, but make sure you get in early to avoid your favourites being sold out. Postage is a flat fee of $6.50 and is sent via the Aust Post network. Enjoy planting your bulbs!
Uraidla Primary School Parents and Friends
A Note from Kirrily
What a start to 2024! These first two weeks have given me excitement and anticipation for what the year will hold. It's been so nice to meet new students and their families, if I have not met you yet I look forward to having the chance in the coming weeks.
A bit of info about my role for new students and families. I am here to be a positive role model and support for the students and to offer compassionate pastoral and practical care to parents and families in their various needs and circumstances. I have training in chaplaincy and have spent a lot of time with kids and helping families in various communities and settings. I love being with the students and getting to help them with small and big wins, and being there for them when things are just really tough. If you wish to contact me, you can do so through Seesaw or by contacting the school office. My regular work days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Students can ask to speak with me by finding me in the yard or placing a note in my box near the front office.
All the best for the year everyone!
Enrolment in Reception
If you have a child turning 5 this year, it's time to enrol them to start school. There are some changes this year, and children will either start school in July this year or at the start of 2025, depending on their age.
We are now finalising Reception enrolments for the 2024 mid-year intake.
Enrolments for the 2025 start of year should be finalised by July 5 this year. Please contact the front office for an enrolment pack!
Harvest Table
Please come and support our Harvest Table near the double glass doors in the main
school building. Our students are helping to harvest items from the garden that can be sold. We would love to receive any donations of excess produce you may have to sell as well. Please leave your donated items in the staffroom. Thank you!