Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) 







Character Strength: brainstorming about how can they show Gratitude.


Parent Wellbeing: think about and write down what you want others to experience and think when they meet you. When you are about to talk with other people, pause, to give yourself self-awareness time, and then deliberately practise what you want them to experience. Being self-aware gives you the power to choose how you will respond. How do you want other people to experience you?


Year 7


Welcome to the O’Connor Catholic College community! It has been a busy and eventful opening few weeks for our Year 7’s. Lots of learning has been taking place across all subject areas. Students have been making new friends, meeting new teachers, finding their way around the school and of course, learning the ‘war cries’ of their respective houses in the lead up to the Swimming Carnival which was held on the Thursday of Week 2. The Year 7’s overall seem to be adapting admirably and settling well into life as a secondary school student.


Mr Shane McCann 

Leader Of Learning, Year 7


Year 8


For many welcome back to O’Connor for 2024! If you’re a new family joining us then welcome to O’Connor! I am excited to be working with the Year 8 cohort for 2024. Last year these students were given the opportunity to participate in the Co-Teaching Structure within many of their classes. This year sees year 8 move into traditional high schooling with multiple teachers and multiple classrooms. For some this has been a challenge and may have felt like Year 7 version 2 however it’s been great to see all of Year 8 not only supporting each other with beginning of the year challenges but also helping Year 7 find their way around the school and our new Multipurpose Building. 


As we finish week 3 many students have settled back into the routine of school quite well especially moving to the Vertical House Structure this year which sees morning Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) classes having a mix of students from Years 7 - 12. This allows the students and the school to build stronger community, relationships and pride within their houses. We were lucky enough to see this at our Swimming Carnival last week with many students from the year giving it their hardest through participating and the want to beat their friends. Congratulations to Bobby Chard, Isaac Brown and Hunter McDonald (just to name a few) who were seen in almost every race for their age group and also particicpated in their house relays. A special mention also goes to Tahlia Burney and Addison Nugent for their impressive wall squats in PDHPE this term - 25 minutes and over, that makes my abs hurt just thinking about that. 


Even though Year 7 may seem far away for some students should remember that teachers and staff are always watching and are looking forward to giving the students Commendations (merits) for their actions inside and outside the classroom. Don’t be afraid to have a go even if the answer might be wrong and be willing to help others within our community. Every DAY, Every WEEK and Every TERM is a new start at OCC and I’m proud to say many of Year 8 are living by this and leaving the choices made last year behind them. 



  • Hair past shoulder length is to be tied up 
  • Sport Uniform is to only be worn on PE days that clearly have OVAL written on the timetable
  • Students are expected to have a stocked pencil case including: pens, pencils (lead and colour), eraser, calculator, scissors, glue, ruler and highlighters. Plus a workbook for every subject preferably single books instead of multiple subject books. 


Miss Elizabeth Plane

Leader of Learning, Year 8

Year 9 


We have started the year running. I am pleased to be able to take this year group through 2024. I have a good working relationship with the students and feel I know them very well. I have a good understanding of their strengths and areas where they need to improve on.


In Year 7 we used the motto ‘From little things big things grow’, and you can definitely see the literal growth in our students over the holidays. In Year 8 we worked with the theme of “Believe in the Good, be the Good!” and indeed we have a good (great) cohort. This year we will focus on “ If not now, then when”. This will challenge them to be the best version of themselves. Seizing the chance to get involved, taking themselves out of their comfort zone, trying something new and making the most of the learning opportunities that are presented right here, right now. This supports the Year 12 school theme of ‘BANG’. An acronym for Believe, Achieve, Nurture and Grow.


This year we have moved to vertical PAC groups of a morning based on House groups. Please reach out to your child’s PAC teacher as they will nurture the class and take care of the day to day organisation. It has been very positive as we see the house spirit emerging and community interaction growing. As the year goes on please do not hesitate to relay any information or concerns to myself as the Year 9 leader. I am frequently doing ‘learning walks’ to monitor progress. I am pleased to say the classes have made a good start to the year.


Mrs Kath Czinner 

Leader Of Learning, Year 9 


Year 10


Welcome back Year 10 students, Parents and Guardians! 


Year 10 is a huge year for transitions and whilst often intimidating, it is a year filled with possibilities and new beginnings. One of these big changes is that Ms Natalie Mellowship will no longer be their Year Leader. Instead, I, Jess Armfield, will be taking your students through this big year of growth. I am beyond excited to work with both our Year 10 students and their families on finding the best possible course for them into the future.


Year 10 is often a year where students begin to consider future pathways; some of these paths can include the more traditional route of the HSC, Tafe, SBATS, moving to full time work or some other path! In order for your student to be best equipped for the future, it is important that they are consistently engaging with classwork, developing home learning study habits and learning to manage their time (between social, school and often part-time jobs). As well as this, students often undergo some level of ‘work experience’. If you and your student are interested in this, please reach out to myself or the school and we can work together on the best way forward for your student to have this experience. 


The Chromebooks will be rolled out in the coming week, so thank you for your patience and understanding with this process. Once students have their Chromebooks, it is their responsibility to ensure that their device is charged, in good working order and ready for every lesson. Students are aware of the ICT policy and have been led through this with their PAC teachers, but are also encouraged to revise it in light of getting the Chromebooks. 


Can I please ask that you check-in with your young person and if they need equipment for their learning. It is an expectation that students will have a stocked pencil case (that includes but is not limited to; pens, scissors, glue, ruler, calculator, etc) and a workbook for every individual subject. Whilst some students like to have multiple subjects in one book, it is discouraged as teachers often collect books to check and feedback work. 


This year we have changed PAC from the more traditional year group based structure to the vertical structure based on Houses. This vertical structure in House groups means that your young person will have students from every year group in their PAC morning session. What this means is that your student has the opportunity to both see our student leaders in action, witness their study habits and interactions and in turn, be a role model for younger years on appropriate behaviours, uniform expectations as well as build relationships within the school community outside of their individual year group. It is both exciting and fantastic to see how Year 10 has already started stepping up and filling these roles! 


On the topic of uniform, it is an expectation of the College that students will be in their full summer uniform unless they have a practical PDHPE lesson on that day (It will say Oval on their timetable). If your student is in an in-correct uniform, please inform either their PAC teacher, write a note on Compass or send an email to the front office. It is an expectation that if hair is longer than collar length it is to be tied up and that facial hair is to be shaved. 


I look forward to working with you all and if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me! 


Miss Jessica Armfield

Leader Of Learning, Year 10



Year 11


It is a pleasure to step into the role of Leader of Learning for Year 11 whilst Mrs McFarland is enjoying some time away with her first child.


I will be working closely with both Mr. Stephen Chapman, Assistant Principal – Curriculum and Mrs. Mellissa Bell, Assistant Principal – Wellbeing to support Year 11 until Mrs McFarland’s return. If students have concerns about systems and processes, want advice about study and assessments, or just feel like they need a chat and/or some quiet time, I am another person within the school who is able to help with this. Similarly, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Moving into the senior school is an exciting time for all as the end of school comes closer and class structures and relationships change, but it can also become quite stressful as the demands of this different version of school become apparent. It is for these reasons that I hope that parents, guardians, and carers will be able to attend our Yr 11 Parent Information Evening on Monday night at the school, from 6:00 - 6:45.

This is a nice way to start the year and should help settle Year 11 into the senior school.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Thank you for your support of your young people.


Mr Bruce Myers

Leader Of Learning, Year 11


Year 12 


The 2024 year has started with a BANG!


After attending the LSL(?) conference in Sydney in the January holidays, the college captains came up with a theme, developed it with the rest of the 2024 Student Leadership Team and then, during the Cross and Dux ceremony, announced the theme… BANG - Believe, Achieve, Nurture and Grow. A fitting theme, given they have always said they want to do as much as possible to develop the culture and community of the college.

A strong focus here is on making all students feel welcomed, safe and able to achieve the best they can. It has been fantastic to see so many students helping younger students find their classrooms, playing sports with them and starting to form friendships during PAC (now structured with students from all year groups and in houses). I personally thank those students that have supported my son, Nathan, who has started Year 7 at OCC this year; he speaks so highly of you all.


As we begin the last three terms of our schooling, I remind all Year 12 students to attain that balance of study, work, sports and social life - a difficult thing to achieve. Use all resources available to you: your family and friends, peers, teacher mentors, teachers and staff, support networks/agencies, amongst others.


A focus at this time of year may include reassessing your study timetable, forming study groups, ensuring you are organised for upcoming assessments (the OCC 2024 HSC Information page is useful here) and speaking with your teachers and/or teacher mentors about areas you feel you need to improve.


But remember, it is important to have those fun times as well… such as the swimming carnival. It was superb to see not only the house captains, but all Year 12 students actively participating in the house war cries and the novelty race! 

I will finish by stating how fantastic you guys look in your jerseys and I wish you all the best in your final year at OCC - the time will fly by… use it wisely!


Mr Luke Andrews 

Leader Of Learning, Year 12