Religious Education News

Mr Andrew May  

Firstly, a warm welcome to our returning and new students, families and friends of the O’Connor Catholic College community. It has been fantastic to see how well the year has started, and it has certainly been a busy start to the year in our faith formation. 


In January our school captains attended the Lasallian Student Leadership Seminar (LSLS). This is an annual event that brings together school captains from Lasallian schools throughout Australia. During the seminar our student leaders were challenged to reflect on their hopes and aspirations as school leaders, as well as developing their theme for the year ahead. As always they returned very tired but also highly motivated to make this year one to remember!


The last three weeks have seen a rush of liturgies and Masses. On their first day of school, we welcomed our new Year Seven cohort with a short liturgy in our school chapel, led by our school captains. During this liturgy students and parents were encouraged to feel that they are now part of the history of our College and community. The following week the school gathered as a whole community in the new gym to celebrate our opening school liturgy, incorporating the ‘Cross and Dux’ ceremony, where past captains officially hand over the Captain’s Cross to the new captains, as well as recognising our 2023 school Dux. During the mass we also commissioned our 16 year 11 Lasallian Youth Leaders, who will mentor our junior students as well as assist with retreats, STEP Days and other activities.


This Wednesday just passed we gathered once again as a community in the gym for our Ash Wednesday Mass. We have been forced to use the gym as our gathering place for whole school liturgies and Masses as our student population has grown to the point where we cannot fit everyone into the Chapel - a pleasant problem to have! 

Fr Paul Anthony celebrating Mass in our new College gym


Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Church season of Lent. During this time we are called upon to reflect upon the direction our lives have taken and to seek to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be. During Lent we also strive to help others who are not as fortunate as ourselves, through donations to the Catholic aid appeal, Project Compassion. Our first fundraising event was the annual Pancake breakfast for Shrove Tuesday, and it was a great success, raising over $300. A huge thank you to the students and staff who supported us by purchasing pancakes! During the next few weeks we will have additional activities to not only raise money, but also raise awareness of the work of Caritas Australia and Project Compassion. 


Next week will be our ‘retreat week’. Starting on Tuesday, students will be involved in a succession of retreats. Year 11 LYLs will receive formation training on Tuesday, whilst Year 7, 8 and 9 retreats will take place on the following days. The retreats will be led by outreach workers from the Lasallian Mission Council, as well as our Lasallian Youth Minister, Bridie Giles, who started work with us just a few weeks ago. 


I would like to conclude with a short prayer for Lent.


Heavenly Father,

As I enter my Lenten journey, guide me to the path that leads to you. Fill my heart with gratitude, patience, strength, and peace as I strive to become the-best-version-of-myself, honestly admitting my shortcomings and sins. As I renew my resolve each day to become a better person, let me hear your voice in the deepest reaches of my heart. Give me rest in you. Help me to accept others, showing them your great love instead of casting judgment. Stay with me through the busy days this week and remind me that when I need comfort, solitude, wisdom, or guidance, I can always turn to you. Help me develop discipline and generosity through fasting and almsgiving, and come closer to you through prayer this Lent. In your name I pray, Amen.

Preparing the pancakes on Monday afternoon

LYLs helping to cook and serve pancakes


The queue!                                                                                                       









Mr Andrew May

Religious Education Coordinator





Our Founders - St Angela Merici and St John Baptiste De La Salle

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish


Keeping in touch with what is happening in the Cathedral Parish is easy through their website and Facebook pages.


With such a difficult year and a half it has been harder for parishioner's to give to the parish through the plates, particularly when the church is closed as it is at present. The Parish account details are available on the Parish bulletin. 



Cathedral Parish Website

Information about our founders


La Salle Website

Ursuline Sisters Website