From the Head of Senior School

As we embark on the journey of a new academic year, it brings me immense joy to warmly welcome our new and returning families. Our Senior School staff are thrilled to see everyone return for another exciting year ahead and have noticed a strong sense of energy and excitement among the students. For all our new parents and students, I hope your child has had a positive start to their first two weeks at Girton Grammar. 


I would also like to congratulate our extraordinary Class of 2023, who achieved outstanding results in their VCE subjects and in their overall ATAR scores. Their hard work and dedication have paid off, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements. 


As we commence the new school year, I wanted to take this opportunity to issue a few reminders for the weeks ahead.  


All students must bring their diaries to every class and will be given time at the end of the lesson to record their homework and assessment details. Good organisation skills are essential for students to be able to manage their schedule of school and social commitments, especially as they head towards Year 10 and beyond, when academic demands will usually increase. A diary enables students to plan their time and prioritise their responsibilities, which helps them start each day with clarity and focus. It also helps to reduce procrastination and boost their memory. Your child is encouraged to bring their diary home daily so parents and carers can monitor and promote their organisation. If you have any concerns regarding your child's organisation skills, please do not hesitate to contact their House Tutor. 


Uniform and personal presentation

In Term 1, students can wear either our summer or formal uniform suites. Senior School students are also permitted to wear the PE uniform for the entire day on Wednesdays to participate in Co-Connect activities. On other days, students are permitted to arrive in their PE uniform only if it is required for Periods 1 or 2, and leave in their PE uniform only if they have a PE class in Period 5. 


We take great pride in our uniform and personal presentation standards, and our staff will be closely monitoring to ensure all students adhere to them. In particular, we will be looking to ensure the following:

  • Shirts are tucked into shorts, pants and skirts when wearing both summer and formal uniform suites
  • Hats are worn outside at all times between 1 September and Foundation Day, with students being required to wear one of our new SunSmart hat designs by the beginning of Week 4 
  • PE jackets are not worn with the summer or formal uniform suites
  • Dresses and skirts fall to or below the knees
  • Hair longer than the collar is completely tied back and off the face
  • Students have no more than one earring in each lobe, and earrings are small, plain studs or sleepers
  • Students do not wear necklaces or other items of jewellery
  • Students do not wear false eyelashes, false nails, nail polish or makeup
  • Students do not have facial hair.

In addition, lease note that our Senior School campus officially opens to students each morning at 8:15am. 


Welcome back to Girton, and I look forward to seeing what our students achieve in 2024.


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School