Forest school 

Damper making has been a focus this week during Forest School sessions before the fire restrictions come into place! It’s wonderful to watch the children navigate the process: from making judgements about the damper dough consistency (Do we need more water, more flour? My dough fell in the dirt … what do I do?!?) through to learning how to check if their damper is cooked well enough to eat (always a personal choice!) and slathering it with butter and honey. Through this process there are so many opportunities to dive into science principles, First Nations’ practices and Australian storytelling, not to mention life skills and personal growth.


The dam continues to be a source of learning, excitement and adventure. Thick mud, yabby holes, giant worms, optimistic fishermen and general hilarity. This important habitat teaches us different things each visit as it changes across the seasons.


Many, many thanks to parents that have volunteered their time this week allowing us to visit the dam and have a fire to cook damper! 


Keep your eye out for photos of the 5/6s in the next newsletter. I couldn’t get the photos of their damper making through in time for the newsletter this week!



Kind regards, 
