Principal Report

Dear parents and carers,


Time flies when you are having fun! This is my fastest year at Rolling Hills so far, although a 12-week term is testing my stamina. I am sure you are noticing some very tired children this week as we approach the end of term and the year. It has been a pleasure to see the school return to some form of normality after a bumpy few years.



This last week we enjoyed graduation. Sharing our goodbyes to a wonderful group of children and their parents. A big thank you to everyone who attended and to the team in the background who made the night possible. 



As one group leaves, another joins. It was great to have our new preps here for an extended morning of learning. A big highlight was buddy time. Please use the school grounds over the summer to help them transition to school next year. 


The rest of our students transitioned to their new classes and had a great morning. We try and make sure everyone has a little of everything they hope for as they move through the school. We appreciate the positive messages at home and the encouragement of resilience where students may feel disappointed at missing out on a teacher or a friend. 


Community Events

We also had the Art Show, Christmas Extravaganza and the Book Fair over the last two weeks. Huge thank you for everyone who attended and to the whole team at RHPS for helping put on a great show. 


Our children are reporting back that they have had a great year. They have shared that they are happy with the changes that have been implemented in 2023. 


I am pleased to share that after seeking voice from students, parents and staff that the following structures will stay in place for 2024.


Specialist days will continue to be on the same day, with the following timetable for next year:


Monday - no specialist days

Tuesday - Grade 12

Wednesday - Prep

Thursday - Grade 34

Friday - Grade 56


We will continue to have three breaks. There are no changes to the daily timetable.


One change we will introduce is the supervision of children at both recess and lunch eating times. No more eating outside. 



There are some changes to our staff for 2024. This is the time of year we farewell some of our staff, and welcome new staff to the school. 


Joining our school:

  • Laina Brebner in Prep​
  • Tim Huntington in Grade 1​
  • Veronica Paps in Grade 2
  • Renee Barnden in Grade 34
  • Jasmine Chambers in Visual Arts

We also have two roles to fill, a teacher in grade 34 and a Global Arts position. They are both currently advertised. A small team will continue to work on this into the new year and will share news in January with families.

And sadly here is the list of those who are off to new places:

  • Carolyn Allan (6 months leave)​
  • Daena Hailey (12 months leave)​
  • Tim Wilson (Karoo PS - 12 months leave)​
  • Claire Cripps (Badger Creek PS - 12 months leave)​
  • Millie Pinney Gvozdic (Fairfield PS)​
  • Belinda Granger (Badger Creek PS)​
  • Teagan Cairns (not returning/Croydon PS)
  • Chloe Davis (CIRE)

I wish them all well on their adventures in 2024. 


Play Equipment

We have added play equipment to the hill. The equipment is aimed at the older grades. This will be open on Wednesday 20th December for a last day play. 


Looking ahead

After today we have 3 more school days. Monday the grade 56 students have a fun day. The rest of the school will have a party in the last hour. 

Tuesday, we have the leadership assembly.

Wednesday is our last day with a final school assembly at 1:15pm to farewell the grade 6 students. School finishes at 2pm!

There are no specialist classes next week.

We have one last weekend for proofing of reports. We hope to share them early next week. 


Wishing you all the best over the holiday period and we look forward to seeing grade 1 to 6 students on Tuesday 30th January.


Stay safe and well,
