
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Hello GPPS Families! 

With the year slowly coming to an end, we have many learning opportunities to share with you!


Performing Arts

Gilgai Plains Primary School Spectacular! Due to predicted poor weather on Friday, we made the decision to move our performance event to Monday 11 December. We are so excited to celebrate all of our students’ hard work and dedication and look forward to seeing you to celebrate. We kindly ask that you join us on the oval, where you can share in the joy with your child/ren, family and community. Please bring along a picnic basket, blanket and/or chairs and settle in for a showcase of entertainment. A variety of cuisines will be available from food trucks and the school canteen during the event. Gates will open at 4:30pm. 



The stage will be visible from the oval and you will be able to enjoy class performances throughout the evening. There is limited seating space for the performance event. We kindly ask that you make your way to the stage seating area when your child/ren are performing and return to the picnic area after their performance. Students in Foundation - Grade 3, must be picked up by a parent or family member and escorted back to their family picnic area. Please ensure that you meet your child at their designated area with their classroom teacher. Students from Grade 4- Grade 6, have been advised that they must return to their family picnic area after their performance. 


I look forward to watching all of our wonderful students shine on this wonderful occasion!!! See you all on Monday!



Foundations and Year 1: This month the Foundation and Year 1 students explored the forces of push, pull, roll, slide, bounce and spin. They successfully completed their practical assessments with their teachers demonstrating their understanding of the forces they have learnt this term. The students also demonstrated their learning through games and activities that required them to use these forces in action. 


Year 2: This month the Year 2 students explored how sound is produced and travels to our brain. Students created their own pan flute using straws and tape to explain how wind bounces and vibrates in the straw to make a sound. Science and Music was connected through body percussion by using our bodies to make beats. Students also engaged in a digital app called, ‘paint with music’ to link Science and Digital technology. 



Year 3: This month the Year 3 students explored the form of energy - Heat through a variety of experiments. We measured the temperature of water at different degrees and understood how to use thermometers. We also explored how different materials like plastic, wood and metal can act as conductors or insulators by placing wax on them after having dipped the spoons in hot water. As a treat, the students made bread pizza and discussed that ovens use convection mode of heat transfer to cook the pizza.


Year 4: This month the Year 4 students explored the force of drag. Science and Innovation and Design was connected by encouraging students to create their own military supply device using daily items. This challenged students to problem-solve in small groups and link their learning about physics and the ‘Design Cycle’.
















Years 5/6 : This month the Years 5/6 students explored how light behaves in a kaleidoscope by creating their individual unique pattern when the angle of the mirror is adjusted. Students also explored shadows by working collaboratively to create and present a paper shadow puppet to some lucky Foundation classes. This challenged students to combine their current  Performing Arts knowledge and skills to Science.























Thank you!

It has been an awesome year seeing the students develop their zest and skills for the specialist subjects. Thank you parents and students for your support. 


 We wish all families a happy and safe holiday season.



The Specialist team