Year 2

Ms Gililand, Mr Rowley, Ms Michetti and Ms Kay

Year 2 December Newsletter 

Hello Year 2 families! We can’t believe how fast this year has gone. We are in the final stretch of 2023, and Grade 2. As we prepare for Year 3, we wanted to say a big thank you to the students and families of our cohort for such a great year, and to wish you a safe holidays. 


Cross Country and Whole School Performance

Believe it or not, but we are in summer. It just doesn’t feel like it. Thanks to the wet weather we have had to delay both the Cross Country and the Whole School Performance. However, we are definitely still running them and can’t wait to see how all our students go. 



These last few weeks, we have been learning the final graphemes for Little Learners Love Literacy. Everyone in grade 2 has worked so hard this year and we are so proud of what everyone has achieved. Furthermore, our students have also begun work on publishing their persuasive texts, refining and using the techniques that have been taught to them. 


Core Knowledge: Celebrations

We have been learning about different celebrations from different cultures around the world. We have delved deeply into familiar celebrations such as Diwali, Holi and Halloween, all the while looking into more unique, unfamiliar celebrations such as Midsummer, Las Fallas and the Rio Carnival. We have been learning about how different people celebrate their event, as to why they celebrate it. 



In Numeracy, we have finished and looking at money and begun revising topics that we looked at earlier in the year. This includes flips, slides, turns, 3D and 2D shapes as well as maps. The students are working together to build an amazing map, utilising an effective key or legend.