Year 1

Ms Crane, Ms Conforto, Ms Russo, Ms Harrington, Ms Maher, Ms Ripper and Ms Bowden 

Hello Year 1 Families ! 


Can you believe we are in the final weeks of the year?! We have had such a great Term filled with so much fun and learning and we can’t wait to share it with you all. 



In Phonics, we have learnt the phoneme/grapheme /air/ as in ‘airy fairy air’. The students have practised blending and segmenting words with /air/ and using this knowledge to spell these words with accuracy. We have learnt that /air/ can also be represented by /ere/ as in ‘there’ and /are/ as in ‘share’. Students have also developed their understanding of making who, what, when and where questions based on pictures. They ensured their question sentences, asked a question, ended with a question mark and started with who, what, when or where. 




In Numeracy, students have been learning how to organise and represent different types of data. Students identified that a bar chart  has to include a title, answers, key and symbols. Students were so excited when they got to learn and eat with skittles! Students gathered data on the colour of their skittles, displayed their data with tally marks and then turned it into a bar graph. They had so much fun! 


Knowledge - Celebrations Around the world

In Knowledge, we have been learning about celebrations around the world. The students have learnt about different celebrations and festivals that take place in many countries. Students have had the opportunity to share with the class celebrations that they and their families celebrate. They created Kites after learning about the Kite Festival that is held all over the world, from Bondi Beach to Washington State in the USA. They also designed their own masks that they could wear if they attended the Rio Carnival in Rio De Janeiro. 


Thank you !

We would like to say a big THANK YOU for your ongoing support throughout the year. It has been such a great year, filled with so much joy and learning and we are so proud of how much the students have accomplished.  We have all enjoyed watching the Year 1 cohort grow into confident and resilient learners. We wish them all the very best in Year 2 and the future and wish you all a very safe and relaxing break.