
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Lawson, Ms Achilles, Ms Walker, Ms Rodwell, Ms Oldfield and Ms Nicholas

Learning in Foundation

It is almost the end of 2023 and our Foundation students' first year of school. What an exciting adventure this year has been. This week we celebrated Foundation Breakfast, students came to school in their pyjamas and got to have breakfast with their friends. We had so much fun and ate lots of cereal and toast. Some of us even tried vegemite for the first time! It was wonderful to be able to celebrate an incredible year of learning and growth together. Students are preparing for next year and soon will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher and classmates. 




















We have been focusing on revising and consolidating our knowledge from this year in phonics. We have been going back over the letters of the alphabet and the characters we met while reading through Milo’s Birthday Surprise. Each day we focus on one phoneme, brainstorm words together that begin with that sound and use these words to write sentences. We encourage all students to continue to revise where possible over the holidays and continue to practise segmenting and blending words around them. 



Core Knowledge

In Core Knowledge sessions we have explored celebrations around the world. Students have been learning about different events and the significance of these celebrations. It has been an exciting time learning about Holi, Diwali, EID AL-FITR, Festival of Sahara, New Years Eve, Chinese New Year, Easter, Halloween, Day of the dead and Rio Carnival. 



Each day we conduct a daily review to revise and consolidate all our numeracy skills we have developed this year. We practise recognising numbers, writing numerals, counting a collection, identifying numbers before and after, counting forwards and backwards from different starting points, adding and subtracting. We have been focusing on number bonds and what two number parts give us a whole number. Students have also been engaging in collecting data by asking yes or no questions to their peers and analysing results.