Wellbeing Team

Ms Mitchell & Ms Caruso

Wellbeing over the School Holidays


School holidays are a great opportunity for children to take a break from the intensity of the school routine and embrace the joys of lazy days, playtime, and exploration. However, while many parents make an effort to plan activities and outings to keep their kids ‘busy’ and entertained, they often forget the importance of rest and relaxation time during these breaks.


It’s essential for children to have sufficient downtime (at all times), but particularly during the school holidays to reset their nervous systems. Rest and relaxation allow the body and mind to recover and rejuvenate, which is crucial for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. From a neurological perspective, research has shown that downtime helps children to regulate their emotions, reduce stress levels, and improve memory and cognitive function.


Here are some of the benefits of rest and relaxation during the school holidays:

1. Reduced stress levels – a small amount of stress is a natural part of life, but too much of it can have a detrimental effect on a child’s physical and mental health. Taking time to rest and relax during the school holidays can help to reduce stress levels, decreasing the chance of children experiencing anxiety or other mental health issues.

2. Improved sleep quality – rest and relaxation are essential for getting a good night’s sleep. When children are overstimulated or engaging in too many stimulating activities, it can be difficult for them to wind down and fall asleep. By incorporating rest and relaxation into their routines, parents can help to improve their child’s sleep quality, allowing them to feel more refreshed and energised throughout the day.

3. Enhanced creativity and imagination – children’s brains are like sponges, constantly absorbing information and making connections. However, to foster creativity and imagination, kids need time to let their minds wander and explore. Rest and relaxation can provide the downtime children need to let their imaginations run wild and come up with new ideas.


Enjoy your break and we look forward to seeing you in 2024!


Ruby Mitchell and Natasha Caruso

Wellbeing Team



From calmkidswellbeing.com.au