From the Principal 

Anthea Jamieson

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we near the end of our 2023 school year, I think it’s important to reflect on our successes and celebrations as a school. I would like to share with you some findings from our recent School Review. The review took place at the end of November with a panel consisting of an independent reviewer, the SEIL (Senior Education Improvement Leader) for our network and 2 local principals who were our challenge partners and our School Council president. As part of the review process, the panel observed classroom teaching and learning, spoke to every member of staff, ran student voice sessions and also spoke to members of our parent community. The findings from the panel were extremely positive and confirmed that the work we are doing for our students is making a great difference to student learning. Our data illustrates that student outcomes are continuing to improve and our students are engaged and feel supported in their learning. The review confirmed for me that our teachers are doing an outstanding job (which I already knew) and that their love of learning and the strengthening of their practices will continue to positively influence the academic growth of our children. I look forward to sharing the formal report when it becomes available.


The final stages of planning for our school structures and classes for next year are now complete. We are fortunate to be fully staffed for 2024, which is an achievement in itself during these difficult staffing times for most schools.  Our whole school Meet the Teacher and New Class – student transition session, will be held on Tuesday 12th December. 


All current and new students attending Gilgai Plains Primary in 2024 will meet their teacher and spend some time with their new class. On the same day, some of our Year 6 students moving on to government secondary schools, will have their Year 7 Transition Orientation. 


An important part of our transition program is the very comprehensive handover from your child’s 2023 teacher to their 2024 teacher. This handover includes student learning and wellbeing needs, to ensure our students are supported in their new year level and class. Following this, the second important handover will come from you, the parent/carer. You are your child’s first teacher and you can share important and valuable information that will support your child to be happy and succeed in 2024. Your first opportunity to do this with your child’s new teacher will be at our 2024 “Meet the teacher – parents and student session” on Tuesday 30th January.


Next Wednesday 13th December, parents will be sent a link to book their 2024 Meet the Teacher session. Please ensure you book for this very important meeting.


Last Day of the 2023 School Year

The final day of the school year for students is Wednesday 20th December. Many families have indicated to classroom teachers and the office that they are leaving earlier than this to go on a family holiday.  Please ensure you enter their absence into Compass as soon as possible so we can finalise our student attendance records for the school year.


2024 Start of Year Key Dates 

Please ensure you enter these important dates into your calendars and diaries. These dates can also be found on your Compass Calendar.


Monday 29th January 2024 - Teachers and Education Support: Staff commence and office is open. No students.


Monday 29th January 2024 - Teachers and Education Support: Staff commence and office is open. No students.


Tuesday 30 January 2024 – Year F – 6: Meet the Teacher – parent & student session. Individual meeting times to be confirmed. 


Wednesday 31st January 2023 – Year 2 – 6: Students commence

Foundation and Year 1 individual assessments continue, students only attend for their assessment time.


Thursday 1st February 2023: Foundation and Year 1 individual assessments continue, students only attend for their assessment time.


Friday 2nd February 2023: Year 1 students commence


Monday 6th February: Foundation students commence


Friday 1st March: Community Picnic 


Monday 11th March: Labour Day Public Holiday


Thursday 14th & Friday 15th March: School Photo Days


Thursday 28th March: Last Day of Term 1



End of Year reports

Individual student reports will be available through Compass on Thursday 14th December. These reports are a thorough representation of your child's growth over the last semester. If you have a question about the report, please don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher.


Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you at our Performance Night on Monday.


Kind regards,

Anthea Jamieson