Spotlight on Students 

The Anxiety Coach - Child Development Workshop


Our school has undertaken a project to address student anxiety called The Anxiety Project. The whole staff have undertaken professional learning designed by experienced psychologists and we have been implementing strategies learnt into our teaching and learning this year. It is very important that we include our parent/carer community in our progress to become a 'Have a Go' school. 


We were pleased to offer parents/carers the opportunity to participate in the child development course - Anxiety Coach training, to gain a full understanding of the research and become partners in the implementation of The Anxiety Project. 


Thank you to the parents who have committed their time towards attending the course this term. Topics covered in the course included: foundational ideas, definitions of resilience, the role of the coach, anxiety basics, how accommodations work, emotion coaching, cognitive distortions and a five-star model of behavioural change. Participants have expressed how beneficial the Anxiety Coach course has been in building their understanding and skills to better support their children. They have appreciated the opportunity to share their thoughts, experiences and engage in collaborative discussions. 

We look forward to offering the course again next year to promote consistency and strengthen the partnership between home and school.