Principal's Message

Dear St. Philomena's Community,


As we draw near the close of another remarkable academic year, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible accomplishments and growth we have achieved together as a school community in 2023.


This year has been nothing short of outstanding, marked by positive growth, strong commitment, and dedicated aspiration towards our shared goal of providing the best possible education and fostering strong faith within our students. It is through the collaborative efforts of our exceptional students, dedicated staff, and supportive parents that we have made significant strides forward.


I want to extend my deepest appreciation to our parents for their unwavering partnership and trust in us. Your support and collaboration have been instrumental in enhancing the faith and learning outcomes for every student in our care. Your involvement and engagement have truly made a positive impact on the overall success of our school.


A heartfelt thank you goes out to the remarkable staff of St. Philomena's. Your relentless dedication and pursuit of excellence have ensured that our students experienced a high-quality learning environment throughout the year. Your passion, hard work, and commitment to nurturing our students' growth and development are truly commendable.


I wish also to extend my thanks to the staff who are leaving St Philomena's at the end of the year. Colleen Joseph, Susan Swansbra, Michelle Le, Ellie Johnson and Phoebe McGrath have each been valued members of our Phillies family. Their contributions have enriched the lives of our students and staff.  We wish them well. 


As we move into the next chapter of our school's journey, I am excited to announce that Mr. Simon Fleming will be serving as the Acting Principal for Term 1 & 2, 2024. I am confident that our parent and staff community will extend a warm welcome and offer their full support to Mr. Fleming as he continues to lead St. Philomena's School forward.


Finally, as we approach the festive season, I wish each and every one of you a joyous and safe Christmas and a New Year filled with happiness, peace, and prosperity. May this time be spent cherishing the company of loved ones and reflecting on the successes and blessings of the past year.


Thank you once again for your support, dedication, and commitment to the success of our students and our school. Let us continue to work together towards a bright and promising future for St. Philomena's.


I leave you with a final prayer to celebrate the coming of the festive season:


Heavenly Father,

As we gather together in this school community during this festive season, we lift our hearts in gratitude for the blessings you have bestowed upon us throughout this year. We thank you for the gift of education, for the opportunity to learn, grow, and support one another in our academic pursuits.


During this joyous time, we ask for your continued guidance and presence among us. May your love and peace fill our school, classrooms, and every interaction we have with one another. Help us to embody the true spirit of this season — a time of giving, compassion, and understanding.


Grant us the wisdom to appreciate the diversity within our community, to respect each other's beliefs, and to foster an environment of inclusivity and kindness. May our differences be a source of strength and unity.


We pray for all those who are in need, especially during this time. May we, as a school community, extend our hands to those less fortunate, offering support, comfort, and generosity wherever it is needed.


Bless our leaders of learning, staff, students, and their families with joy, good health, and unwavering faith. May the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ remind us of the profound love and hope that He brought into the world.

We entrust our school community into your loving care, Lord, as we celebrate this festive season. May your blessings be upon us now and always.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,




God bless, and Merry Christmas!


Jamie McDowall
