Ranges TEC News

Congratulations Ranges TEC/VET Kitchen Ops Students
Ranges TEC was represented by Marlowe and Ashwyn to participate in the Outer Eastern Culinary Competition. Students are judged not only on the food but how they work together as a team, food safety practices, organisation, safety, mise en place and food costings, amongst many other criteria.
Congratulations to both Marlowe and Ashwyn for taking on this extra challenge and for representing Ranges TEC. A special mention and congratulations to Marlowe for winning the MVP due to the way he presented himself in confidence and for the development of a particularly delicious and unique main course. Well done!
Year 10s Hard at Work
Our students have been continuing work at Camp Oasis Inc. 10S has cleaned up the path area, put in a retaining wall, created a lined pathway and replanted some vegetation!
10D made great progress on a lined gravel area that includes a pergola for the low ropes course and a safety fence around the flying fox waiting area. Well done!