Senior Secondary

News from Years 10 - 12

Year 12 Graduation

On Saturday night, 18 November, the Year 12 students, their families and teachers gathered together at the Karralyka Centre for the Year 12 Graduation dinner.  

The Graduation is often a bittersweet time. It is an evening of celebration and joy to mark the completion of a child’s schooling and their time at MECS. Often Year 12 is a challenging and difficult journey, and having successfully navigated this and made it through to the Graduation evening is a significant achievement. However, it is also a time for sadness and reflection. For some families it is their final moment of association with MECS, sometimes after many, many years of faithful partnership. It is a time of farewell for students and teachers, and among the Year 12 cohort itself.  

Each year the highlight of the Graduation is the individual student speeches presented by the Senior Secondary Staff. This is a special time to pause and mark the uniqueness and journey of each student. 

A special thank you to Evelyn Dubbeld and Amelia Koole for all their hard work in organising the night. Also Karissa Esselbrugge, Narelle Sketcher and Rob Lichtendonk (on behalf of the Board) for giving presentations to the students, and Lisa and Jonathan Vandenberg for making a speech and prayer on behalf of the parents. A special thank you also to the Year 12 leaders Jackson Clarke, Sophie Van den Broek and Jerush Perera for presenting a speech on behalf of the students. We also enjoyed listening to live music performed by Yoshi Chivell and Jerush Perera. Thank you also to the Senior Secondary staff for preparing and presenting the speeches, and for the students, families and friends that attended and made it such a lovely evening.  

The Year 12s are in our thoughts and prayers as they now wait anxiously for their VCE results, university offers and embark on the adventures ahead.  


Emma Tresidder

VCE Coordinator

Early Commencement Week - VCE VM Food Safety Course at Ranges TEC

In 2024 we are running a program that sits alongside the VCE called VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM). The focus is on getting students practical, hands on experience to prepare them for their future pathway. We have a great cohort of Year 11 and 12 students who have taken up this opportunity for 2024 and to start off our early commencement, we completed a food safety course at Ranges TEC.

This course runs over 2 days, including one day of theory, and another day where students put their learning into practice. They made a delicious caesar salad, whilst showing all of their safe food handling processes.


Thanks so much to Alex Grove-Jones at Ranges TEC who facilitated our learning. It was a fantastic way to start off the VCE VM, and I was very impressed with all the students. They are a motivated group with some excellent culinary skills already! 


Nicky Joiner

VCE VM Coordinator

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