Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Hi everyone,
I hope you have had a great two weeks - we certainly have here at school!
The Art Showcase is happening this week! Mrs Tate is beginning to set up all the artwork and we cannot wait to share it all with everyone! It will be delightful to see how creative our students can be - a huge thank you in advance to Mrs Tate for all the work she has put into showcasing our student's work. Don't forget to come along and see it all, including our unique class creations that will be up for sale to the highest bidder.
Swimming is next week for our Foundation to Year 4 - most students are swimming which is brilliant. Please look out for year-level communications regarding this as there are changes to timetables and playtimes to accommodate the swimming program.
This Friday is also our first whole school transition session, where all our students will visit their new classrooms and meet their new teachers. Classes are now finalised for this, so parent requests can no longer be accepted. All our new teachers will be here to meet their classes . I am sure you will join me in welcoming the following teachers to our school in 2024. Rachael Coulson, Charlotte Fatnowna, Rachael Duke, Lauren Cummings, Olivia Mahon and Emma Thomas. Whilst we are so excited to have new staff here at OGPS we are also sad to see some leave us for new adventures. Leaving staff will be farewelled in our next newsletter.
OGPS has Talent was run by Mr Caddy last week and the event was enjoyed by all staff and students. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend but the excitement of the stories relayed to me by a variety of students indicate that we do indeed have talent here at OGPS! A big thank you to Mr Caddy and his team of helpers for their work in supporting our students.
Till next time!
Michelle Ogilvie