Assistant Principal's Report
with Sarah Laidlaw
Assistant Principal's Report
with Sarah Laidlaw
Our school is in the process of reassessing our existing set of core values; Aspiration, Confidence and Respect. The students were asked an open ended question about what they thought were important values to have to be a active member of their school and also the community. In the survey link there is a word cloud of the top responses from our students, please take the time to choose the top 3 from their responses.
Meetings with our feeder primary schools are commencing soon. In this meeting we will engage with their teachers to gain insight about our future students for 2024. We are looking forward to meeting all the new students!!
We are also planning a information session for all parents and future Yr 7 students. This will be held at the secondary college with student leaders running tours and answering questions along with a presentation from some staff . Time and date to be confirmed.