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Farewell, Year 2 boys!

On Friday 1 December we farewelled our Year 2 boys with a liturgy and graduation ceremony held in the Cathedral. As we reflect on their happy times at St Mary's College, we celebrate a year group that cared deeply for one another and forged many lasting friendships.


This year marks the last group of boys to graduate from St Mary's College after 155 years of educating boys in the early years. Along with proud parents and teachers, it was very special to be joined on this occasion by a number of past boys of SMC from St Virgil's College and Guilford Young College.


The boys have brought wonderful life and vibrancy to our College over the years. We will miss them, and we wish them a bright future. 

Senior School Prize Giving 

Thank you to our SMC community for joining us to celebrate the success of our students at the Senior School Prize Giving on Monday 4 December. 


Held at Wrest Point, the evening was a special opportunity to reflect on the past academic year and acknowledge the outstanding efforts of our Year 7-12 students.


Congratulations to our 2023 award winners and to our Year 12 leavers. We wish them good luck for their final results and all the best for their future endeavours. 

First Nations Family Day

First Nations students, staff and their families recently came together on country to piyura kitina to celebrate community and culture after a busy year. There, the possum skins were sewn together, ready to be presented to the school. It felt good to walk on country together and it is always a joy to see Senior and Junior Students sharing culture together.

Thank you to Sharnie Read for organising our day, being such a strong role model for our students and always being there for all of us. 


Thank you to TJ, Ella and Caitlin for all the hours of organisation behind the scenes and the incredible care, time and love you have offered to our students this year. 


Thank you to Selena Eaves, Ben Shurley and Emma Cooper for being proud and representing the First Nations staff from SMC on this day. 


Thank you to Phil and the catering team for a delicious picnic. We are all looking forward to more time on country next year! 


Claire Raward

First Nations Facilitator K-12

Year 9 and 10 Drama end-of-year performance

Our Year 9 and 10 Drama students have recently performed their major productions for chosen audiences. Year 10 presented Jemma Kennedy’s Second Person Narrative, a play that looks at who is in control of your life and how we establish our own identity, and Year 9 performed a stage adaptation of Pete the Sheep.  


Our Prep and Year 1 students enjoyed watching our talented Year 9s transform into farmers, sheep and sheep dogs in Pete the Sheep, a fun musical comedy about the challenges of being an individual and embracing difference.  Congratulations to all involved.

Leah Wallace

Senior Drama Teacher

Hark! the herald angels sing

Our Kinder to Year 2 students certainly know the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loudly for all to hear!


The Junior School Kinder - Year 2 Christmas concert last week was a wonderful way to mark the start of the festive season with their performances delighting audiences. 


Well done to everyone who performed, you were certainly merry and bright!

Shared lunches serving up smiles

On Friday 24 November we embarked on a trial for a school lunch program to be run at the College in 2024. 


It was a great way to finish off the busy week, with Prep Possums and Bilbies, along with their Year 4 Bluegum friends, sitting down to lunch together. 


The students were fed a delicious, veggie-filled meal provided by the Murphy’s Café team. The food was presented on platters to encourage sharing and conversation. There was much chatter about trying new foods as well as comparing stories about meal traditions at home. 

We look forward to continuing the trial next year. The exact format of how it will operate is yet to be decided, but feedback from students and teaching staff indicates that it will be a great addition to our school community. 


Phil Shanny

Café Manager and Sustainability Officer 

A night of glitz and glamour

The Year 12s stepped out in style for their much-awaited Leavers’ Dinner on Friday 1 December. 


Marking the end of the cohort’s tenure at the SMC, the students enjoyed a fabulous night of dancing, dining and reliving special memories, together with their proud parents, partners and siblings.


Here's just a snapshot of the glitz and glamour captured by the talented Michael Webb Photography. We thank Glen Albyn Estate for hosting us for another year!

Visit our online photo gallery for more images.

Year 10 Great Race

There was a battle of wits, some serious costume prowess and strategic moves underway around Hobart recently for the Year 10 Great Race. 


Donning their best costumes, students participated in a series of challenges, showing teamwork and determination to complete this exciting race to the finish line. 

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