Hi all,
Well with the school year coming to a close, this will be CHAPS last tidbit for the newsletter!
So, CHAPS would like to let you all know that this year we raised $52,000.00! Now we would like to take this time to thank ALL of our volunteers over the entire year. Without your continued support CHAPS would not be able to run the events that we are able to put on for our kids, so THANK YOU! To the teachers, thank you for always making the time to fit our events into your already busy schedules, we truly appreciate you all!
Our office staff over the years, Robyn (our Queen), Sophie and Ang. Thank you to you guys for everything you put up with while dealing with us 😉 and continued support.
To Kim, our maintenance man! You have been a superstar with ensuring we always have what we need when we put on the BBQ's, Mother's and Father's Day stalls etc..thank you so very much for your support.
This will also be my last newsletter, so with that, I would like to personally thank you all for all the laughs and support over the last few years.
To our CHAPS team, you guys are awesome! and I will miss working with you all. A special mention to Danielle Bell, our president. She puts so much time and effort into the school, and it has been an absolute blast doing all the events with you over the years. So thank you 😊
And with that...have a safe holiday everyone, and an amazing 2024 with CHAPS.
Nikky 🖤
CHAPS Team 💜