2024 Parent Payment arrangements

Your support allows us to:

Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian Curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. 


Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. 


We want to thank you for all your support, whether that is through fundraising or volunteering your time. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.


Your support allows us to:

  • Increase the number of mobile devices available to students.
  • Increase the hours of our education support (aides) and support teachers in the classrooms.
  • Purchase resources over and above the basic essential instructional items
  • To update our projectors and smartboards in our learning spaces.
  • Update School wide site licences for software and purchase new software for student use.
  • Replace and service classroom air conditioners.
  • Purchase play equipment for passive play.
  • Resource the Wellbeing room.
  • Purchase of new outdoor play equipment.
  • Passive play equipment.
  • Refresh our Library book stocks.
  • Provide Specialist furniture e.g., kidney tables for small group and individual instruction.
  • The maintenance persons salary. 
  • Purchase of STEM resources such as Micro bits boards, iPads, robotics and coding equipment.
  • We would eventually like to purchase a large retractable projector and screen for the school hall.