Student Voice

House Points Results and the Year 5 ScienceWorks visit.


By Angelina Z & Bennett O 5M


Last Thursday the grade fives went to Scienceworks. Everyone was buzzing with excitement. We got into our groups and got on the bus at 9:30. 

Beyond Perception

We arrived at 10:30 and headed to Beyond Perception, which was designed for us to experience things that were out of this world. It had vibrating armchairs and a room with white light shining through prisms which created rainbows that were then reflected onto mirrors. There was also a glass box that had fake snow and fans.

Cool Stuff Lab

After Beyond Perception we went to the Cool Stuff lab where we learnt about the three states of matter. We watched a scientist do an experiment with liquid nitrogen. We learnt that nitrogen boils at -196°C and freezes at -210°C. We saw how it can harden a rubber duck so that when it is hit by a hammer the duck breaks instead of the hammer bouncing off it.

Think Ahead

After the Cool Stuff Lab, we went to Think Ahead. Think Ahead was about stuff that could be in the future and things in the present. There were examples of future things like augmented reality in everyday life or space exploration. It also had things about water systems and how we are polluting our world. 

Sports Works         

After Lunch we went to Sports Works. This was a place where you could test your fitness and strength. You could even compare yourself to Cathy Freeman!

At last, it was time to return to school. Everyone was exhausted and had lots of fun. Scienceworks is amazing, bewildering, and captivating!  I highly recommend going there.

Congratulations to the following students who take on the leadership roles of House and Vice Captains in 2024. I look forward to working with you in the new year.

SuperSpeak Award

A big congratulations to student Serah V on receiving her Super Speak Achievement Award. Serah is a student in 3'0.

This award is presented to students who have completed 2.5 years of Public Speaking & Communication Skills training at Super Speak (equivalent to 100 hours) and presented 15 formal solo speeches.